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Taehyung's P.O.V

I walked towards the nearby park and made sure no one was there before softly whispering the angel's name as I closed my eyes and focused on calling him to where I was. I heard the wind wrestle, and I felt a presence next to me.

"Kim Taehyung, to what do I owe the honor of being called to you"" I looked him up and down, he was indeed the angel that Jimin had met.

"The honor? Do I really deserve that"?

"You're Kim Taehyung, one of the finest angels there is, everybody knows you" I was flattered but tried not to let it show. I couldn't tell if he was being cocky or well behaved, but I would soon find out. "So, why was I called here?"

"You met a human today, saved him from a terrible individual, do you remember?"

"Of course, his name was Jimin as I recall" My heart sped up at the mention of Jimin's name, which scared me, but I couldn't let it distract me.

"I do not seek any trouble with you, but I must let you know he is my human, therefore you cannot care for him, only I can" He bowed respectfully nodding his head.

"My apologies then fellow angel, I wasn't aware you were his guarding angel, I meant no disrespect"

"No need to apologize, indeed you couldn't have  known. There is something else, something about that human who attacked him" I saw him tense up.

"What about him?"

"What is your relationship towards him? I know you didn't happen to walk by the alley at the same time as Jimin was getting...beaten."

"No, I wasn't. That human is named Shownu and I am... his guarding angel" My eyes opened wide, I wasn't expecting this but I stayed silent so he could go on.

"A month ago, I was assigned to be his guarding angel, as you saw he isn't the best person there is, but he isn't bad either. He's had a lot of problems and turned bad, and it's my task to bring him back on the right path, unfortunately I let him be by himself, I had been called by another angel and I sensed his anger and flew to where he was. That's when I saw what he was doing and stopped him." I nodded my head, it made sense.

"I really am sorry for everything that happened to Jimin, I am still working on Shownu, you of all people know how hard it is to have a good influence on somebody with bad intentions."

"I do, I used to have a hard work with situations like yours. Don't give up, you are on the right track with him though" he smiled kindly.

"Thank you, Taehyung. Can I please go now?" I nodded, and he flew away. I didn't expect this meeting to go like this, but I wasn't disappointed, Kihyun seemed to be a good angel, he understood boundaries and respected them unlike that demon. 

I felt a wave of sadness wash over my body as I thought about Jungkook but pushed those thoughts away. I breathed in the chilly air before going back inside Jimin's apartment, making sure he was okay before I had to go deal with the young demon. Again.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I laughed as I sat back down on my couch, well Yoongi's couch. He and I had a long in common, the same dark and emo tastes and his apartment was exactly like the one I used to live in when I was still a human. My thoughts travelled to my old self, but I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking about my old life, this is my life now, whether I liked it or not.

Sleeping beside me, curled up on the couch, Yoongi was currently having a nightmare, I could sense his emotion and boy was he scared. I chuckled at his trembling body, it reminded me of that boy today, Jimin. Taehyung made the mistake of leaving his human alone earlier and I wasn't going to waste such an opportunity. 

I snickered remembering all the problem I caused that poor boy today, but I think my best was the alley trick. First, I influenced a guy passing by to follow him, then made Jimin walk right into a dark alley where poor Jimin didn't exactly have fun but oh well, at least I did.

Everyone always tells me how it is hard to influence humans when you are a young demon like me, that some demons train during years before they can properly cast spells on a human. That it was even harder when the humans are under an angel's protection and if you want to influence them opposite to their natural intentions but it was never hard for me, I had trained for a bit, had a mentor teach me how to it and now I could get them to do everything I wanted and little Jimin today paid for his angel's poisoned words. 

 I groaned, simply thinking of him made my blood boil with anger, of all the angels I had to mess with, it had to be him, the only angel I had wished to never see again. By now I was positive he already knew I had been messing with his human, even if it was forbidden by the law and by him, which meant I was bound to meet him again, oh well.

Third  P.O.V

Yoongi woke up in a sweat, looking around he saw he was in his couch, roughly he rubbed his eyes, feeling them wet he got up, walking towards the bathroom not bothering to light up his apartment, he preferred the darkness to those stupid white lights. He faced himself in the mirror, his eyes were red and puffy, he had been crying in his sleep. Another nightmare, the ravenette had been having a lot of them recently, he lacked sleep and refused to eat, he was always alone and barely kept himself living.

 A scream of frustration escaped his thin lips as he punches the wall next to the mirror.

When did my life become this mess! Tears started to fall down his pale cheeks, his whole-body trembling.

I was happy, I loved you and you left me! You broke my heart and all my hopes of a future by your side!! You turned me into the person I am now! Never will I forgive you for what you made of me!!!

The ravenette collapsed on the floor, shaking like a leaf, his head hanging down low. Behind him a hesitating hand reached out to him but pulled away before it could touch him. Behind him, crouched down, was someone as broken inside as him. Someone who had felt the power and meaning of his desperate call for help, behind him was Jungkook, tears escaping his eyes. 


Heads up guys I change P.O.V a lot in this fanfic, sorry xd


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