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Taehyung's P.O.V

I woke up feeling two strong arms holding me making my heart flutter, it had been so long since I had slept with Jungkook by my side. I looked at his sleeping face, he was as beautiful as ever, I still hadn't forgiven myself for what I had done to him, but if we wanted to move forward we were both going to have to forgive me and agree to put everything in the past. It was obvious we were not going to stay away from each other this time, but it was also obvious we still couldn't be together. We had the same problem as before only this time, I wasn't leaving Jungkook for anything in the world.

I gently shake him to wake him up. I see him stir in his sleep and slowly open his eyes.

"Morning" I whisper softly.

"Morning Tae" His raspy voice sends shiver down my spine. Ever since we had met again, it was the first time I heard him call me Tae and I had to admit it made me blush.

"Jungkook?" he blinked and looked at me. "What are we going to do about the council?"

"I don't know, Taehyung"

"Well I thought of something, but I need to know, can you become human again?"

"Do you mean, can I stop being a demon definitely and become human?"

"Yes, because in heaven if you depending on who you are and what you've accomplished, you can ask to become a human and start a new life. Only this time when you die, you become a spirit, that's your final end"

"Well in Hell you usually spend your life there and if you want to become a human again you have to pass a sort of trial. They say it's really hard and some even die doing it"

"Oh, I thought it would be easier..."

"It's not called hell for nothing, Taehyung. Those who are sent there are usually bad guys who don't deserve to leave that place" I noticed his hint but I didn't bring it up, I guess it'd be something that would keep coming up for the years to come.

"And what trials would you have to do?"

"No one knows, no one has ever done it and lived to tell about it."

"Great..." My hopes of living a quiet life with Jungkook were slowly crumbling away, this was starting to get all too familiar.

"Well only one has, King Changbin"

"But he's still a demon?"

"Different story" I chuckle and shake my head as I sigh.

"I'll do it" I look up to Jungkook not understanding what he meant.

"The trial" He explained.

"Kook, you just said that it's practically impossible. That everyone that has tried has died"

"Yes, but I'm the strongest demon" I rolled my eyes, this kid's ego was something else.

"You are strong for a young demon but this is too dangerous, Jungkook. Be reasonable for once"

"I'm not being pretentious, Taehyung. I'm not just a strong demon, I'm the strongest. Changbin and I fought various times. I always won. I can do things no demon my age have ever been able to do. No one can beat me"

"Wait. Changbin, as in the king??"


"You guys fought??"

"Yes, friendly fights, I mean we weren't trying to kill each other. We're good friends." I couldn't believe it. Jungkook said that as if it was so normal, whereas my king and I loathed each other.

"Can't you just ask him to turn you back to a human? I don't want to risk losing you" I said in a low voice. Jungkook was about to reach for my hand but retracted.

"Look Tae, I will talk to him and if he says I have to do the trial, I'll do it. And nothing will happen to me. I'll come back to you no matter what" I nodded and he carefully wrapped his arm around my shoulders bringing me closer. I felt him kiss my head before laying his head on top of mine.

"I won't die and leave you here alone Tae, I promise"

"Can I make a new promise?" I ask and hear him chuckle.

"I promise I'll be right here waiting for you, I'm not leaving you behind ever again"

"I know" He whispered as a tear fell down my cheek.

We stayed like this for a few minutes until Jungkook got up.

"I should leave for hell right now and go talk to Changbin"

"Will you let me know what he said?"

"I'll try, I don't know if I'll even be able to. Hell is so far underground that it's hard to connect with earth or heaven"

"Right... Well just try, you're the strongest, no?" I playfully tease him trying to hide how worried I was. I hated not knowing or being in control.

"I am indeed" Jungkook closed his eyes and extended his arms as smoke swathed him. When it cleared I saw his black wings, they were beautiful, it was the first time I saw a demon's wings and the first time I saw his wings. I was in awe, I looked at him and saw him raise his head and open his eyes, they were black, just like the first time I met him a few months ago, in Jimin's diner.

"I should go now, I'll see you soon Kim Taehyung"

"Goodbye, Jungkook"

I looked at him for the last time it seemed before he changed to his demon shape and flew away. I felt my heart aches slightly and hoped it wasn't the last time I'd see him. 

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