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Sitting in a booth, hidden from human eyes, stood the boy with the angelic smile, looking at Jimin, proud of the perfect human being he was watching over. Amongst all the person he had watched over, Taehyung had never seen such a pure and decent human being as Park Jimin. 

You see, Taehyung was a guarding angel, which meant every few years he would watch over a special someone. His main task was to turn him into a good human being or sometimes simply watch over him. Having a guarding angel watching over you would make your life become somewhat "perfect" and Jimin had earned it over his few years on earth, immediately making Taehyung become his guarding angel. 

The elder had been watching him for almost a year now and had grown attached to Jimin and was very proud to say that over the year he had spent with him, not once had he influenced his human in doing any kind of good deed he'd do on a daily basis. The boy was that good of a human being. But today, his job would get complicated for the first time ever since he started watching over Jimin.

A sudden shout startled Taehyung as his gaze diverged towards a certain white skinned ravenette.

"Damn it!" Yoongi exclaimed as he spilled his cup of coffee, burning himself in the process. A few heads turned towards him causing Yoongi to glare at them.

"Why is my frozen cappuccino boiling hot???!" He whispered-yelled to himself in frustration.

Taehyung first chuckled at the poor boy's misfortune until he heard someone else snickering somewhere in the coffee shop. Looking around he saw a brunette sitting in the opposite booth as Yoongi's. At first Taehyung thought it was another stupid human but when the said boy turned his head and Taehyung met his dark black eyes, he immediately understood his mistake.

"A demon" Taehyung groaned.

Demons were the opposite of angels, they too watched of humans but not in a kind way. Having a demon on your back would bring bad luck to anyone but some demon, mostly the young ones, would always interfere with their human's lives, just to make it even more despicable or cruel, they found it funny. It was something that Taehyung couldn't understand and that irritated him a lot, but being an ancient angel, Taehyung knew better then to start lecturing the young demon and so he simply laid back watching the brunette play his immature trick upon the poor ravenette.

Taehyung watched for about an hour, the young demon trick Yoongi, whether it was turning off his phone on a crucial moment as he played, or repeatedly making his food fall from his fork, or constantly warming Yoongi's cappuccino making it hard to drink. Taehyung let it all slide, he felt sorry for Yoongi but if he had a demon on his back it must be for a reason. Everything went well for Jimin during the rest of the day and it was now nine pm and Taehyung could see Jimin glancing at the ravenette, too afraid to ask him to leave seeing how the coffee shop was about to close.

After fifteen minutes of contemplating whether or not he should kick out the black-haired boy, Jimin took a deep breath and walked over to where Yoongi was sitting. On his way, he tripped and spilled his cup of coffee on Yoongi. Jimin's eyes widened as he shot back up, terror could be seen in his eyes as the other boy slowly sat up straight, glaring at his waiter who was too shook to say anything.


Taehyung watched Jimin make his way up to Yoongi, but the boy suddenly fell, spilling hot coffee onto the annoyed looking ravenette. Taehyung's head whipped towards the demon, Jimin wasn't clumsy and he would never trip on his own feet, this had to be the demon's doing, only, demons were forbidden to mess with an angel's humans. Taehyung groaned and with a wave of his hand, time stopped, both humans frozen in place, as he stood up.

The demon looked around, he hadn't done this, there must've have been another demon inside the café. Finally, he saw a tall brunette walking towards him, he was gorgeous, with his brown locks, broad shoulder, chocolate skin but his doe eyes weren't black like his. Oh shit, he's an angel.

The young demon rolled his eyes but was a bit scared of the angel, he knew he could be in trouble if he didn't watch his words, especially with this angel.

"What do you think you're doing here, Jungkook"


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