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Knock knock

"Yoongi you in there? Open the door!"

The constant knocking on the door ended up waking the ravenette, who lazily dragged himself to the door, not bothering he was still in his PJ and still had his red eyes from his melt down during the night. Opening the door, he was met with a tall, loud pink haired male, entering his apartment without even asking permission. Too lazy to tell him off, Yoongi plopped himself on his couch next to his friend.

"Namjoon, what are you doing in y apartment so early"

"Its three pm, Yoongi"


"I wanted to know if you were home, and if so how come?"

"What do you mean how come, you know I never leave my place, unless it's to go to the studio" Namjoon rolled his eyes before answering.

"Yes, I know that, what I meant was that last time we spoke, you had lost your key and couldn't go home"

"Oh, I found it later on, it was in my back pocket. I think" Yoongi frowned, he was sure he had checked his back pockets and hadn't found his keys the first time, but he shrugged it off, happy that he had managed to go home after his horrible day at the coffee shop. Not only had he asked a frozen cappuccino and had gotten a hot one, extremely hot, some dumb waiter had tripped and spilled some more boiling coffee on him.

"Yoongi? Yooooongi?" Namjoon nudged the ravenette, snapping him out of his daydream.


"What were you thinking about, you completely zoned out." The latter blinked a few times looking at his friend.

"I was just thinking about a waiter I met yesterday"

Namjoon starting whistling and cooing at his friend. Namjoon really liked Yoongi (as a friend), he knew he had trouble with other people and he wanted nothing more then for him to be happy and find someone that makes him happy, whether it'd be a man or a woman. Unfortunately, he knew that Yoongi would never let anyone in, he was too emotionally damaged. 

 It took strength and willingness to break through the barriers Yoongi had placed between himself and the rest of the world. Namjoon knew that because it had took him a long time to get a few of them down and become Yoongi's friend, but he never regretted all the time he spend trying to make Yoongi smile and accept him, because in the end Yoongi was a good person and a loyal friend.

"Would you stop making those noises!" Yoongi snapped.

""What's the waiter's name?" Namjoon wiggled his eyes brows in a suggestive way making the black haired boy want to gag.

"I didn't ask plus you're way off, Jimin was super short, an ugly baby face, with an irritating voice and a stupid ass smile constantly plastered on his face, short hands like a baby, always smiling and radiating happiness" Yoongi went on and even though Jimin's description wasn't the most complimenting one, Namjoon was sure that something was going on between the two, Yoongi never cared to remember somebody's face, or body and even less their smile and such. That "short" waiter had gotten Yoongi's attention.

"So, Jimin huh?"

"What?" Yoongi tilted his head, while Namjoon burst out laughing for a minute straight.

"What's so damn funny!" Yoongi rolled his eyes, annoyed by his friend's attitude.

"I'm sorry but, you start by saying you don't know his name and you ended up describing Jimin for like five minutes"

"Whatever, I'm gonna go sleep" Yoongi didn't know how he had remembered the boy's name but he didn't want to waste time thinking about the kid even more then he already has, he then got up but was stopped by two hands grabbing his wrists and turning him around.

"You are not going to sleep any more, get dressed, I'm taking out to eat something, I'm buying. The older emitted a groan before walking into his bathroom to shower and change clothes.

Fifteen minutes later, both boys walked inside a coffee shop, sitting across each other waiting for the waiter to come and take their order.

"Hello, my name is Jimin, what can I get you?" Namjoon looked up to see his hyung shooting him a death glare to which he responded with a smile, his dimples showing.

"I'll have a mocha Frappuccino. Yoongi?"

"I'll have a frozen cappuccino" the latter glared at his waiter.

"Coming rig- "Jimin stopped mid-sentence as his eyes met Yoongi's death glare. "Oh no way" Jimin muttered under his breath.

Namjoon witnessed a few long seconds of intense staring between the waiter and customer before poor Jimin left to take care of their order.

"So, he's cute" Yoongi scoffed at his friend's statement. He disagreed, finding the boy dull and extremely annoying, always smiling and happy, it was disgusting.

"He's really not my type."

The two friends stayed about an hour in the coffee shop talking and working on a project together. They both enjoyed the quiet and relaxing atmosphere of the place, as well as the nice smell that always floated in the air. After they paid for their beverages, Namjoon left a generous tip for their waiter and laughed at his friend's disgusted face.

"How could you give him that much for such a poor service" Yoongi scoffed once they were outside.

"Poor service? That guy was cute, funny and nice to look at. Besides, you can see he's the reason why half the people come in" Namjoon chuckled and tucked away his wallet. Yoongi didn't answer, truth is his friend was right, at least in his case. Jimin was indeed one of the reasons Yoongi had kept on going to that café, almost every week.

"Come on, let's hit the park" The black-haired boy walked away with his friend and made his way to the park. 

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