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Jimin was just done with breakfast when he heard a thud coming from the bedroom, he rushed over there worried that Yoongi had fallen or something. The boy was indeed out of bed but had not fallen, thankfully. The blonde smiled and announced breakfast was ready which managed to tug a smile at the lips of the other boy making Jimin open his eyes wide, not used to the sight. Deciding he shouldn't comment on it, he quietly accompanied the male to the kitchen where the small table was and started eating with the other.

"I'm not used to eating breakfast, thank you" Yoongi spoke very low but Jimin  managed to understand it all.

"You're more than welcome, you saved my life the other day. I could never repay you enough" Jimin smiled a sincere smile who started a fire inside the ravenette's chest. 

He still couldn't quite grasp everything that was happening, but it didn't matter, it was a change. A good change. He had lived in a simple and lonely routine for almost a year now and it felt good to finally fall out of it and into an exciting, unexpected adventure along side the beautiful boy.

The elder had been so caught up in his thoughts he hadn't noticed the blonde had already finished eating his eggs and bacon. He quickly ate his and got up, he was about to do the dishes when Jimin swooped in, taking them before he could.

"I'll do them, you should shower and change, hyung" Jimin shyly added the hyung, not sure the elder would let him use it and so it came as a surprise when the scary ravenette only nodded and left. Jimin sighed and smiled, maybe he wasn't that bad after all.

Yoongi got out of the shower and started putting on some clothes when a soft voice rang inside his ears, it came from his kitchen. What a sweet melody. He hurried to change and quietly exited his room, he saw Jimin washing the dishes and singing one of his favorite songs. He was mesmerized, the boy's voice wasn't like anything he had ever heard before. It was soft yet passionate, sad yet hopeful, it was perfect.

"I didn't know you could sing" Jimin immediately stopped and chuckled nervously.

"I'm no professional, but I do enjoy to sing from time to time" The boy actually spent his time singing, whenever he could he would sing his heart out.

"I'd love to hear you sing more" Yoongi added as he sat down and watched the boy.

"Really? I'm not that good, you know"

"I disagree, I think you have a unique voice" Jimin was taken aback by the other's sincerity and direct approach although it did feel nice to have someone compliment his voice.

"I write songs and my last song has something missing to it, do you think you could sing it for me?" Even though he was scared of ruining the song and humiliating himself in front of the intimidating ravenette he couldn't help but nod his head and the smile that drew on Yoongi's face made it worth it.

The elder handed Jimin the lyrics sheet as he played the melody on the guitar so Jimin could get used to it.

"It's not full yet, I only have two verse but I'm sure your voice will inspire me to write more" Yoongi looked into Jimin's eyes, he could see the younger blush.

"All this is no coincidence,

Just, just by my feelings,

The whole world is different from yesterday
Just, just, with your joy.

When you called me,

I became your flower,

As if we were waiting,

We bloom until we ache."

Jimin finished singing, he looked at Yoongi who had an undecipherable expression on his face. The blonde was scared, did he do it badly?

"You're it, you're what's been missing in this song and now, thanks to you, it'll soon be complete"

Yoongi smiled and looked at the boy in front of him, he had just turned his world around and he couldn't be happier to have walked into that alley the other day. If it wasn't for that, his usual mean self would have kept on mentally insulting the boy and being rude to him, never daring talking to him even less, have him sing for him. 

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