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Taehyung's P.O.V

I decided to go to the park instead of going to see Jimin when I saw Yoongi was over. I simply didn't feel at ease being there anymore. As I was walking towards the park, I see a familiar figure sitting on a bench next to another person. I come closer and recognize my hyung.


"Taehyung?" He got up and hugged as I hugged back, so happy to see him.

"Um this is Namjoon" Seokjin mentioned the man still sitting on the bench. "He's my boyfriend" I choked and looked at him, did I hear him right?

"Um Jin, can I talk to you alone for a minute please?"

"Don't worry, Taehyung. Joon already knows I was an angel" Again I almost choked at his words.


"Yes, here let me explain" The blonde male smiled and sat his friend down.

"You see, a bit before I went back to heaven this cutie here came to talk to me and I realized that I had spent enough time as an angel taking care of others, it was time to make myself happy. Since I had been an angel for more than five hundred years, I was free to become human once again. My last chance here on this earth. I had to do it, I belong with him" He ended his story and locked hands with Namjoon.

"I'm happy for you hyung, I hope you two stay together for ever, enjoy your night" I wave goodbye, leaving the two love birds together and decide to go back to Jimin's anyway. I was confused and envious, seeing Seokjin so happy was like a wake up call. Would I ever find someone who would make me feel so happy? So complete? Did I meet him already in another era or would I meet him in a future far away?

I sighed, I could feel my days with Jimin were about to end and it scared me, I had grew attached to the life here, to Jimin, to Yoongi and even to seeing Jungkook so often. It would be weird to start again, in another country and with someone else. For the first time in over a hundred years I felt my heart squeeze and ache, so many human emotions resurfacing. Shaking my head I fly back home and pray to find some kind of solution to my problems soon.

Third P.O.V (I know I change a lot the P.O.V i'm sorry :c )

On his way there Taehyung saw Jungkook sitting on one of the stairs that led to the building's entrance door.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for Yoongi to leave and go home"

"Oh" Taehyung didn't know what else to say, the tension between the two was really strong.

"How 'bout you?"

"Um, I haven't been around much so I came to see how my Jiminie is do-"

"Stop calling him yours, it's ridiculous" The younger whispered through gritted teeth.

"Jungkook, can we talk?" The angel asked softly.

"I have nothing to say to you" And with that the demon disappeared.

"The idiot" Taehyung cursed.

Changing to his invisible angel form, Taehyung entered Jimin's apartment and did not like the view he met. Yoongi was sitting on the couch, Jimin on top of him, his hands snacked around the other's neck, their lips pressed together. Internally groaning Taehyung decided to let them be and went back to his own house.

On his way back he remembered what Jungkook had just said to him, his words, his anger it all felt so familiar. Thinking a bit more, he remembered the time he had heard it before.

"Well, what did they tell you?" The ravenette asked as he sat down on one of the benches outside the castle of the king of angels in heaven.

"They said that an angel like me shouldn't be doing things that could get me caught by the humans, that it would jeopardize our existence as well as my reputation and that since it wasn't my first time making this mistake, I should stop all contact with you"

"But you're my mentor! You can't stop being my mentor"

"I can, you can always find another angel to tutor you"

"Yeah right" Jungkook rolled his eyes, he knew no other experienced angel would ever talk to him.

"How about you?" Taehyung asked the younger.

"They said that one more mistake and they would, they would send me to hell..."

"To hell??? To be a demon???"

"I guess" Jungkook shrugged.

"Jungkook, you had so much trouble getting into heaven you can't risk being taken to hell"

"You don't think I know that? But what can I do, I refuse to play by their dumb rules"

"You have to! You already showed them that it wasn't your fault that that coup-"

"I know. I remember how hard it was to prove it was an accident, but they already have a bad image of me, there's nothing I can do"

"You have to be more careful, Jungkook and I have to listen to them. I'm sorry"

"Don't do this to me, Taehyung. Don't listen to them, we'll be extra careful, come on" The younger pleaded.

"I have to, Jungkook"

"Fine, I have nothing left to say to you then" Jungkook's voice let his anger show. Without even saying goodbye, Taehyung heard the younger leave.

Taehyung sighed, Jungkook hadn't changed. He still let his ego make all the decisions for him... There was nothing he could do to help him at this point. 

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