Chapter 12

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*Light Sexual Content* (about ¾ of the way down)

If getting ready with Daddy was predictable and like carefully composed clockwork. Then preparing for the day with Sylv was nothing short of a shitshow.

I gently woke him up by tapping his shoulder after I woke up to my alarm followed by Reyn's morning call. He rolled off the couch with a groan and startled awake when his body rolled off the couch and onto the floor, right on top of my hands. I had tried to catch his body, but like a boulder, he simply crushed them instead. I cried out in pain and Sylv's eyes shot open.

"Babe, are you okay?!" He shouted out.

He jumped up and looked around in panic assessing our surroundings and shoving me in front of him. He grabbed a gun out of his waistband and pressed the safety faster than I could even get a word out. Seeing that there was no danger, he reenabled the lock and looked down at me.

"What happened?" He inquired calmly after regaining his bearings

"Why would you push me in front of you if you thought we were in danger?" I asked annoyed.

"Why would I keep you the one place I can't see you?" He pointed out equally as annoyed, rubbing the little sleep left out of his eyes. I looked at him surprised. Maybe he was smarter than I gave him credit for.

"Why do you have a gun casually tucked into your waistband?"

"Why? Think it's hot? Don't worry babe, most girls do." He smirked down at me. I rolled my eyes.

But something bothered me. What reason could he possibly have to carry a gun around him all the time? Maybe it was just because of the situation we were in. But, it looked so comfortable in his hand. Even now he used the barrel to scratch an itch on his temple. Notching off the safety seemed like second nature to him. Done without a thought. Like he'd done it so many times before.

There was a lot about Sylver that I didn't know. And I got the impression that he wouldn't be too keen on telling me about himself either. At least not in a serious, honest way. I wondered if Reyn even knew everything about his background. That's when I remembered that he was trained in several forms of martial arts.

"Reyn said you knew martial arts. What kinds do you know?" I finally asked. He looked up at the ceiling in thought, scratching his jaw after tucking the gun at the back of his pants and moving to put his dress shirt back on without buttoning it up.

"Hmm, Krav Maga, Silat, Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai... I guess you could say mixed martial arts to keep it simple.-- a little bit of everything. I probably spend more time at the gym than my own home."

Yes, there was definitely more to Sylv than he tried to portray. The same way I used a calm and composed facade to hide my underlying struggle with anxiety, Sylv was using a facade to hide something of his own. Why would a person be so thoroughly educated in martial arts just to be a lawyer? Either I was reading too much into this or it was a remnant of his past. Though I wondered what it was, I also recognized it was none of my business. I had no reason to seek out the information and put him in an uncomfortable spot other than to satisfy my own curiosity. It wasn't worth it.

I simply nodded and headed into the bedroom to brush, wash up, and get ready. When I came back out in a red skirt with intersecting black lines and black top with matching boots, Sylv was fully dressed but had fallen back asleep. I nudged him awake again but he waved me away crankily. He clearly wasn't a morning person.

"I'm not getting up unless you bring me coffee." He moped and I sighed.

I walked over to the coffee machine. I had no idea how to work it. I didn't drink coffee unless I was exhausted, and when that happened I just bought it. I felt guilty to bother him, but I video called Reyn. He must have been fresh out of the shower because his hair was wet and messy and his lower body was covered with a towel that sat dangerously low on his hips. My stomach and heart fluttered. I tried my hardest to maintain eye contact even though my face felt like it was in flames. I pursed my lips before wetting them.

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