Chapter 20

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I tried not to pay attention to all the people we walked past as we looked into the windows of various stores trying to decide whether we wanted to go in or not.

It was strange to know that Orion was trailing us. I would discreetly look over my shoulder as we walked, pretending I was looking at something in the display of a store window but I could never see him. He truly was good at what he does.

"So is there anything specific you're looking for?" I turned my head to face Rylan. Her blonde, shoulder-length hair bounced with each step.

She shrugged with a smile. "Maybe some lingerie. Gotta treat myself every now and then."

Maybe I'll buy some, too.

My cheeks warmed at the thought of wearing them for Reyn. He would enjoy it, wouldn't he? Or maybe it went too against my image. I looked down at my outfit, he did dress me in a youthful way. Would lingerie put him off? Would he think it was too strange?

But he calls you a slut when he's inside you.

Maybe he would enjoy it. I looked through my purse to see how much cash I had. I knew there was only a couple hundred in my bank account. Lingerie was expensive; I didn't want to spend everything I had on it. I needed some to pay my rent and my phone bill. At the same time, living with Reyn took a lot of the financial strain off.

I reached inside for my wallet and opened it to find an unfamiliar card. Speaking of relieving financial strain.

What perplexed me was that it had my name on it. The card was heavy and metal. When in the world had he gone get this? Why would he? He must have slipped it in there while I was in the shower. I couldn't recall him being even an inch away from me since this morning. I stuffed it back in my purse and texted Reyn.

Did you get me a debit card?

R: Surprise, baby <3. It's linked to my account. Don't do too much damage ;)

Reyn, this is too much.

"Girl why do you look so pressed? Is everything okay?" Ry asked looking over at me.

"Yeah, just need to figure something out real quick."

R: I have more than I know what to do with, princess. Don't worry your pretty little head about it. I want my girl to have nice things, what's wrong with that?

When you put it like that...

R: And knowing that I bought you whatever you wear? Fuck, come back home soon, baby. I miss you.

I sent him some kissy-face emojis. If I were to buy some lingerie, it would be more for him than they were for me. It made me feel less guilty about using his money for them. I wouldn't need to worry about not having enough money either. Just a few sets, that's it. Maybe even just one.

When we stood in the store, I swear I could have bought at least a quarter of the clothes on display. Everything looked lacy, feminine, and flattering. As soon as I set my eyes on a white corset top embroidered with flowers, I knew I had to have it. I always gravitated toward floral patterns and scents.

It was a combination of sexy and cute, exactly my vibe. I could even wear it as a top or over a shirt. The versatility of the piece only convinced me further. That and the fact that I'd wanted a corset top for the longest time but could never find just the right one. It was meant to be, I decided. I had to buy it if it looked good on me of course.

"Ohhh, that is cute," Rylan sing-songed. "Why don't you try it on? It reminds me of that one dress you used to wear in sophomore year."

I chuckled at the memory. I remembered the dress she was talking about. It had been my favorite sundress at the time. I had a thing for floral patterns. "Let me grab a few more things. Then I can try everything on at once."

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