When They're Jealous

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Anakin: Anakin gets really quiet when he's jealous. He'll watch everything, staring daggers at whatever he deems the offending party. Not being able to do anything publicly makes him grit his teeth harder. As soon as he sees you in private, he'll claim your mouth and and move on to the rest of you. He won't speak about it, but you'll notice him being a bit rougher.

Obi-Wan: Obi-Wan is almost purely not a jealous type of man. It takes A LOT to get him ruffled. He trusts you completely, thus others just don't matter. He's more likely to get upset over someone disrespecting or putting you down.

Qui-Gon: Qui-Gon honestly doesn't pay attention to such things. He knows he is all you want or need and makes damn sure it stays that way. Be it sexy times or not, he would do anything for you.

Luke: Luke is confident but sometimes when he sees another flirting with you, he'll pull away for a bit. It's partially him giving you the choice to move on without him bugging you and partially him pulling into himself. You always find him later training or meditating. He'll look at you for a long moment then move to kiss you, sweet and slow.

Han: Han is uncharacteristically insecure. He feels like he isn't good enough for you, that you deserve someone so much better. He'd never say it out loud but when he sees someone flirting with you, he'll pull you closer, feeling validated when you lean back into him.

Finn: Finn is somewhat insecure. Having very little experience to go off of, he mainly just gets uncomfortable. It'll always make him feel so much better when you pull him to you and kiss him. He wants you to want him. Feeling loved by you leaves him almost breathless.

Poe: Poe can go either way. He can be self assured and not have a worry in the world when it comes to you. But when everything is pressing heavy on him, he'll crack just a little. He needs little reassurances, you pulling his hand into your lap, a quick kiss from you on his neck, long loving looks across the command table.

Kylo: Kylo would seem like he would be incredibly jealous, but it's almost completely opposite. He has put everything into you. His trust, his love. It was unwavering. Should anyone dare to flirt with you he'd most likely try to kill them. Much to your annoyance. Which honestly, wasn't worth it. He'd much rather have you loving on him instead of the cold glares that even gave him a bit of a chill that one time.

Hux: Hux is extremely jealous. Anyone comes near you, he would make their life hell. Trying to talk him down from being bristled was pointless. You'd let him run off the anger and find him once it had gotten to the sadder portion of him thinking you'd leave him. You merely pull him to you and kiss the hell out of him. You'll continue to physically show him how much you love him and only want him.

Din: Din is the strong and quiet type. This also goes for his feelings of jealousy. He would never bring them up. He would be somewhat aloof for awhile which you just get fed up with. You'd sit in his lap in the pilots seat and give him 'the look'. This would ultimately make him chuckle and pull you closer, tucking you into him.

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