Silly Things He Does

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Anakin: He taps his damn lightsaber on his belt repeatedly when he's thinking or nervous. Almost always drives you bonkers but then you look at him and're lost again.

Obi-Wan: He smirks at you all the time! You both could be lost on an ice planet and he'd smirk at you. You always ask him what he's smirking at and he'll wink at you! One time, you got him to reveal a bit more and he eluded to it being naughty thoughts about you. This made you blush a deep red for a good long time.

Qui-Gon: He raises his eyebrow at you, taunting you a bit. You even began covering the dang thing when you're speaking with him because the look on his face just made you want to kiss the stuffing out of him. Stupid handsome man.

Luke: He dances when he thinks no one is watching. He could be standing at a work bench trying to put something together and he'll just be doing steps to whatever dance he knew or decided to make up. It's honestly the cutest thing ever.

Han: Han is a hummer. When you're having a quiet moment, you reading and him messing with something, you'll always hear him humming some made up song. It always causes you to smile.

Finn: Finn is really into nature. Only remembering his time in the First Order and the sterile ships, nature blows his mind. He'll follow roots, examine how mushrooms are choosing where to grow, how the leaves on the under sides of the canopy are darker than those at the top. All of it is amazing and chaotic and he writes everything in a journal you gave to him as a present. It makes him so endearing to you.

Poe: Poe is a kiss counter. No fail, each day will start with "and that's the first kiss of the day, folks".  By the end of the day "We've only kissed twelve times today. What a slow day. Come here!" It always makes you laugh.

Kylo: He clenches his fist all the time. If he's upset, you hear the leather of his glove scrunching. If he's feeling a bit flirty, you'll hear the leather again as if he's trying to get a grip on his feelings before jumping your bones. You hear that noise, you know to look at your man- it could be really good or really bad.

Hux: Hux steals stylus pens. He finds it hilarious to snatch the pen when someone is irritating him. This is always a pain in the ass if it's you because he'll taunt you with it. Lots of "well come and get it beautiful."

Din: Din will take pieces of your clothing. You've found a few shirts tucked away in his quarters and even saw the tail end of a scarf of yours leaking out from his armor. You asked him about it and he told you he just likes how you smell and how it calms him.

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