Poe Dameron- Not From Around Here Part Two

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You stood there, still in your jammies, hands on hips, pissed.

While the fire fight had taken place, the handsome bossy guy whose name you were currently forgetting or possibly never learned, who the heck knew at this point, had laid on you the entire time.

Willing to take a...laser shot? Blast? What the heck would a laser wound be called?!

You were ticked that someone had decided to throw you into this madness and you were also getting kinda cranky. Shock must have been setting in. Or you were hungry. Who knows!

You saw burning chunks of...something or other every so often as you were herded towards smaller fighter jet looking things by Mister Bossy. His warm hand felt like the only thing anchoring you to this reality at the moment. You focused on the dark hairs peppering his fingers and stumbled a bit in your daze.

The grip tightened, fight was still currently engaged on this one. He turned quickly and set his other hand on your shoulder, steadying you. "You alright?"

His voice took a softer tone that you hadn't heard yet.  It raised the hair on your arms and felt like it wrapped around you like an embrace. "Hm?" You said eloquently.

He stepped even closer and put his hands on either side of your head. Warmth, roughness from calluses and the direct stare from those deep brown eyes.

You hadn't ever been one to wax poetic but this whole ordeal was seriously out of this world.


You closed your eyes and groaned at your inner pun.

When you opened your eyes again, a little smirk was sitting on his face. "I asked if you were alright, but I believe you're about to fall off your feet. Let's get you situated and maybe get some provisions in you."

You felt the loss of heat and then it was replaced by a firm hand on your upper back.

You really thought hard about this being a dream or not.

This was not possible.

You had been in the most jalopy of spaceships with cretin looking abductors, we're involved in a fire fight that used lasers of all things...your old cd player would be so jealous.

You took a deep breath. The world started swimming.

Turns out Poe had been right.

It all became too much and you fainted after two more steps.

Poe had watched you wobble a little then pitch completely to the side. His grabbed you within a millisecond and pulled you up into a bridal hold.

The brush of your clammy skin against his gave him a chill of excitement.

He swallowed hard then grinned.

You were going to be trouble.

A/N: I think I mayyyyy make a few parts to this 😉

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