Chapter Nineteen

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I blinked slowly as sun light filled the room, my mind still hazy with sleep. Something moved under me making me sit up quickly, Jamison slept peacefully om the couch, one hand still on my hip, the other hanging off the side, making me realize I was sprawled out on his chest. My cheeks heated up quickly as I looked around the room slowly, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until my eyes fell on the blue pacifier that was sitting next to the larger man neck making me remember what happened yesterday. I carefully climbed off his lap and sat on the floor thinking everything over.

Fuck! Why do I keep slipping now? I went almost a year and now its happening? Why? I screamed in my head, before looking up at the man who took care of me. At least he didn't freak out... He actually reacted very well. Jamison patted his chest and his nose scrunched up as if he was feeling for something. I blushed as he sat up quickly as if in a panic, looking around quickly. His eyes landed on me and he fully relaxed and have me a small smile.

"Good morning." He yawned out as he stretched out his chest and back.

"Morning." I mumbled looking away. "Umm I'm sorry about yesterday. I-I didn't mean for that to happen." My voice got lower with every word and I couldn't bring myself to look at him. There was silence for a moment, then suddenly he was in front of me using his large hand to cup my cheek, making me look at him.

"Sweetie, don't EVER apologize for going into little space. I don't know why you are apologizing but it is not needed." He said in the same firm voice he used last night, making me still. "You don't know me very well, which I plan to change, so I can see where you'd be uncomfortable. I want you to understand I am a dominant, more specifically a Daddy Dom, I had no problem taking care of you and I never will. It actually made me very happy, so no apologizing. Okay?" I was wide eyed in shock, I never met a daddy dom in person, but it explained how well he reacted to me slipping.

"I'm sorry." I said again, making the large man give me a soft glare. I blushed darker and tucked my face into his hand. I swear, this man is going to make me go permanently red.

"Now how about you go get in the shower, I will give you a set of my clothes, then we can go pick up yours." His voice gave no room for argument so I just nodded, still embarrassed with myself. We bith stood and I followed Jamison into his bedroom without a word. He went straight for his walk-in closet as I walked around the new room. The walls were painted the same grey as mine but with white trim, and a king size bed sat in the middle of the room with a hunter green bed spread. Across the room was a bookshelf and TV stand, both holding framed pictures and knickknacks.

I was looking at them and one caught my eye. In a silver frame was a picture of a large group of people, Jamison and Dax were the first I recognized, Dax has his arms wrapped around his wife whom I've only met once, Lux had his arms wrapped around a woman that I was guessing was his girlfriend, and by the looks of it Jamison's parents. Everyone of them had their arms around their significant other, but the large man taking care of me was the only one who stood alone. I started to look at the others and quickly realized that every single picture he was in Jamison stood alone and for some reason it made my heart hurt. When I turned around I jumped slightly because he stood there watching me with a small smile.

"You seem to have a nice family and group of friends." I said nonchalantly as if I wasn't caught snooping.

"Well thank you." He chuckled softly and held out a stack of clothes. "They will be big on you but here you go. The second bathroom doesn't have shower products in it, so you can use mine."

"Thank you." I mumbled and took the clothes. He showed me the door to the bathroom and then left me alone. The bathroom was a sky blue with a white double vanity, a stand up glass shower, and a separate tub. It even had a secret poop room, you know where the toilet is in its own separate room. So all in all the best bathroom I've ever seen. I set the clothes on the vanity before quickly going pee and stripping down. The shower was easy to operate so I turned on the hot water and got under the spray. It took fifteen to shower because why not, I hadn't showered in two days without realizing and felt GROSS. Once the water was off I went to grab a towel and quickly realized there wasn't any.

"Ummm Jamison?" I called cautiously. It took a minute before I got a reply.

"Yes?" He asked lightly outside the door.

"Where are your towels?" I whined in embarrassment. I was starting to shake do to the A/C so I hugged myself to keep my warmth.

"I'm sorry little one, they are in the cabinet under the vanity closest to the door." He replied before walking away leaving alone in privacy again. My cheeks turned red when he called me little one and know he is a caregiver the nickname made my chest feel light. I quickly grabbed a towel dried off before getting dressed. He had given me a pair of white joggers that I had to roll up so I didn't step on the bottoms, and a soft blue t-shirt which continued to slip off my shoulder. Once fully dressed I walked out to the living room and found Jamison sitting on the couch playing on his phone. He looked up and gave me a soft smile before handing me his phone.

"I need to take a quick shower, then we can leave. You can play on my phone until I'm done or watch TV, it shouldn't take to long." He said with a smirk and ruffled my hair.

"Okay." I smiled back and leaned into his hand slightly. He laid a small kiss on my forehead before disappearing down the hallway as I turned bright red. I played two dots until he come back out dressed in grey joggers and a sage green shirt that matched his eyes.

"Are you ready to go little one?" He asked as he slide on a pair of grey shoes.

"As ready as I will ever be." I mumbled back. Not even being called little one could help me feel better about where we about to go. I reluctantly took the hand he offered me as he led me out of the apartment and down to the first floor, note this time I didn't almost fall down the stairs. My stomach began to turn as we climbed into a black Chevy Silverado and set off to the place I used to call home.

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