Chapter Twenty-Five

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Friday came a lot faster then I expected, yes I know it was only two days but it flew by, meaning I didn't have single thing packed for our weekend trip to the cabin. I collected a few days worth of clothes making sure to have comfy clothes and dressy ones as a just in case. I even made sure to pack clothes that would be great for little space times. I easily organized them into my duffle bag before looking at all my little items that were sitting on my bed and back to the bag.

I wonder if I can fit everything in there... might as well try. I thought to myself and proceeded to attempt to stuff as much as could in. I pouted when I ran out of room with one stuffie and my blankie left to pack. I have been fighting back little space since we come home from the restaurant so I was constantly close to slipping so it was no surprise when my lip started to tremble and my vision got blurry as I looked at the two items. I let out a small sniffle as I picked up the sloth Jamison had given me and my pout deepened. The large man knocked lightly on the open door jam making me look up. Think of him and he shall appear. He quickly came to kneel in front of me petting my head.

"Why the low face little one?" He cooed lightly in comfort.

"I cant fit my sloth and blankie in my bag." I whined timidly as my cheeks heated up. I knew it was unreasonable to be so upset but my emotions didn't want to cooperate.

"There is a very simple answer to that." He stated happily and tenderly wrapped the fuzzy cloth around my shoulders and made sure I had a hold on the stuffed animal. "You carry these and as much as I'd love to carry you, I have to get the bags so I'll have my hands full. You just follow me and protect your stuffie. Okay?" I happily cuddle into the blanket with a small nod and giggled. Jamison easily zipped my bag and slung it over his shoulder before leading me out of the room. He grabbed his bag on the way out of the apartment ad I followed timidly holding onto the back of his shirt. The ground floor was busy, people were rushing back and forth with a one track mind. As we walked through the foyer people moved out of our way, not once stopping but never impeding out path out. Jamison never paused until we were out to the truck where he placed both bags in the back seat.

"Are you ready to go little one?" He asked as he turned to me. Not trusting my voice I nodded as I puled the blanket tighter around me. Jamison picked me up and set me in my seat before gently buckling my seatbelt. "Relax baby boy, we'll be at the cabin soon. You don't have to hold back, its just me." He whispered before closing my door. He moved to his side of the vehicle and started the engine in silence. I almost made to the cabin before I gave up and let myself fall.


I let out a giggle as the fuzzy feeling of buzzing my lips lingered in my face, barely noticing the engine turning off. Jamison ruffled my hair make me squeal before he got out and grabbed the bags. He set them just inside the cabin door then moved to my side of the truck. He gently undid my the belt before picking me up and cuddling me into his chest. I nuzzled into his neck, cooing happily as I gripped his shirt. The daddy dom let out a happy rumble in return making me giggle as he walked into the cabin. I babble up at him and patted at his face as we moved through unfamiliar rooms. As soon as I was set on the plush carpet I squealed and crawled away. I used the couch to pull myself upright to look around the new space in curiosity. I didn't even notice Jamison left until he came back placing all my friends on the couch in front of me.

"Here you go little one." He said lightly and handed me my purple sippy cup.

"Ankx" I giggled before taking a sip of orage juice. "MMM Ooice (juice)" I helped my friends down to floor and flopped down before flopping on my bum.

"Can I play with you?" Jamison asked as he sat crisscross next to me.

"Yuh-uh!!" I nodded enthusiastically. I grabbed the wolf stuffie and climbed into his lap happily. "Dis Ray." I said and handed it to him. He turned the wolf towards me and made a deep playful growl making me squeak. I hid in his chest with a giggle wrapping my arms around his stomach. He let out a laugh and handed me back Ray. He easily reached my other stuffies and brought them closer before lifting me enough to uncross his legs and set me between them with my back to his chest. I started picking them up imitating their noises and drinking my juice happily. I leaned back into the large man making him rumble in reply. I giggled then attempted to rumble back at him. I failed, so I tried again.

"I want rumles!' I whined up at him and pushed my lower lip out in a pout. The large man stared for a moment before covering his mouth like he was trying to hold in a laugh. When his shoulders started shaking a realized that's exactly what he was doing. "No laugh!!" Jamison tilted back his head and let out a full belly laugh making my pout deepen. I huffed and crawled away picking up Devin the Dino on the way.

"Where do you think you're going? He asked, his voice broken with laughter. Once I got a solid seven feet away I plopped down on my bum.

"Dev, you my only friend." I murmured and hugged the stuffed animal making the dom gasp and cover his heart.

"Oh so that's how you feel?" He said in a faked hurt voice.

"Mhmm." I hummed and turned away from him.

"I see how it is." He replied, the smirk evident in his tone. I peaked back to see him slowly crawling towards me like an animal stalking its prey. I squealed and scrambled away in a fit of giggles. The large man let out a playful growl making me crawl faster. Suddenly I was pulled back and rolled so I was facing him pinned to the floor. "Am I your friend yet?"

"No!" I huffed. His smirk grew making me apprehensive. Jamison let go and wiggled his fingers making it evident what he was about to do. I tried pushing away but the stubborn male didn't move an inch as his fingers attacked my sides. I squealed and wiggled, trying to get away but I couldn't.

"Just say I'm you friend and I'll stop" He laughed, easily dodging my flailing arms as he tickled my sides.

"N-NO!' I managed to yell in between laughs and squeals. He moved up my ribs to my armpits making me flail more. "No, no daddy stop!" My voice higher in pitch as I tried to move away. Jamison froze as he stared down at me with darkened eyes. I saw the opportunity to escape and quickly tried to crawl away. He let out a deep growl in warning making me freeze with a whine. I was pulled tightly into his chest and he buried his face in my neck with low grumbles. I tiled my head in curiosity then it dawned on me.

"Fine, you can be friend. I no be mean." I said and patted his arm in comfort.

"Thank you. I'm glad it get to be your friend." He replied softly against my skin, not loosening his hold. He held me for a couple more minutes before letting me go, his eyes focused on me.

For hours we played in the living room, cuddled, and chase each other around the cabin. We even ended out in the yard at one point playing and relaxing in the sun. We were sitting in the living room playing with my stuffies when I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes.

"That means its night night time baby boy. Plus I really do need to go get a little work done" He said gently as he picked me up. I cuddled into his chest and yawned again.

"No leave." I whined sleepily as he grabbed my bag and set my sippy cup in the sink.

"I have to love, but don't worry I'm not leaving until you fall asleep." He soothed lightly as he walked to a room. He cradled me and gave me one of my new binkies. "I'll be back before you even wake up."

"Promise?" I asked around the paci.

"I promise." He replied and kisses my head. I rested my head on his shoulder and he began to rock me lightly as he took a seat in the bed. I let out little happy hums (A/N Idk how to explain the noise babies and little kids make as the fall asleep. If you know what I mean you know what I mean LOL) as he started to do the little rumbles that helped sooth me to sleep.


The sound of a door closing woke me up slightly. I whined and rolled over cuddling into my blankie. Peeking my eyes open I whined again when I realized the daddy dom wasn't there. From where the bed sat I could see the back porch and in my half asleep daze I thought I something weird. As my eyes fell back shut I swear I saw Jamison turn into a familiar wolf.

Its just my mind playing games.

(A/N) I totally got caught up in watching reactions to Pentatonix while writing this lol. I don't feel to happy with this chapter. I love the direction in went and what not but I feel like the filler parts of the chapter are super bland but I don't know what to add or make it better. So here it is.

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