Chapter Ten

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(A/n) This is "I'm not okay" and its depressing af cause.. yeah. Anywho let's continue....


I let out a ferious growl as I paced my office. I could feel my wolf clawing my insides wanting to rip apart the rouge who almost attacked my mate. Luckily I sent my Delta to follow him and make sure he was safe. Another growl left my throat and my rage boiled. A few hours ago a lower ranked wolf who taught at the school mindlinked me a let me know a human saw two wolves fighting, he was scared but okay and not injured. That bastard scared my mate! Kill him! My wolf yelled in my head. The rouge was now locked in the cellars only fueling the anger in my wolf. I checked the time and cursed under my breath.

I walked out of the house and shifted into my wolf from letting the woods cover me as I ran towards my mates school. It took roughly 15 minutes to get to the edge of the woods closest to the brick building. The bell rung loudly and students began to pour out into the parking lot. It didn't take long for my eyes to zero out on Baxter's black hair. He kept his head down avoiding most of the students. He let out a sigh and as he reached the woods and began the walk home. It didnt take long for him to watch the woods cautiously one he got more down the road. I slowly stalked behind him watching the woods around him for any more rouges. I tried to hold back a whine that sat in the back of my throat when he looked around still scared because the earlier events. My wolf begged me to go to our mate forcing the whine out of throat.

Baxter turned quickly looking into the woods for the sound. I pulled my ears back and stepped out quietly. He stepped back making me whine again and my tail tuck under my belly. I lowered myself onto my stomach, crawling forward slightly. When he didn't move I moved closer, lifting my head enough to look up at him.

"Hades?" His voice was soft as he took a small towards me. My tail untucked and wagged slightly. He came closer and reached out his hand slowly. I lifted my head and licked his palm making him sigh in relief. "You sure are a weird wolf, if that is what you are." I thought he mistaked me as a dog. I tilted my head in confusion as I sat up onto my hunches. He patted his leg and began to walk away towards his house so I followed happily. On the walk he hummed softly looking more relaxed with me by his side. His hums slowly turned into words gradually increasing in volume.

"You can see the dread in my eyes
Cause I'm struggling to survive
And you think that I'm okay
Cause I won't let you see my true face

And you feel like there is no help
Feel like I'm trapped in my own head
I want to see my happy end
Can you save me, from my own dread

Im not okay
Im not okay

m not okay
Im not okay

I am not heartless, I just can't feel nothing
I may seem bit cold, like inside of a coffin
You left me, no problem
I've never been flawless
And no, I'm not okay

Hear the voices, see the demons
Feel the coldness, seeking for treatment" He sung lightly as we walk and lowered my head. His voice was beautiful but the song he quietly sung was filled with depression. I let out a little whine and pushed my under his arm trying to comfort him. He gave me a sad smile but stayed silent as we continued to walk. I began to wonder what happens at his school or at home that makes him so sad. I let out another whine and stopped in my tracks.

Time to cheer my mate up some. He froze and looked around as if expecting something to jump out at us. I lower my body into a crouching position and lifted my lips into a wolfy smile. His eyes were to focused on the woods to watch me as i snuck forward. I quickly ducked my head between the back of his legs and raised up to my full height getting him to slide down just below my shoulder blades. He let out an adorable sqeak as his hands tightly gripping the fur on my neck ad his legs tightened on my ribcage. I let put a little woof in response and began to jog with the small male on my back.

"Hades!" He shouted gripping tighter on my fur causing it to pull. I held back the urge to shake myself as I quicked to a moderate jog going slow enough if he fell he wouldn't get hurt. Though our wolves are large we aren't quite built big enough for someone to ride, but with enough mucle to carry someone, so I had to adjust my stride to stop my legs from hitting his. He was light on my back and as he began to get comfortable he giggled happily. I picked up my pace causing him to lean forward hugging my neck for safety but his giggles never stopped. I want to heard that sound everyday. I thought to myself as I ducked onto a deer run in the woods. I moved quickly through the trees making sure to avoid quick turns until we ended up in the wood behind my mates house. I lowered myself to the ground letting him slide off my back.

When I looked back at him I couldn't help but stare. His cheeks were flushed with laughter as a big smile pulled his lips up showing his white teeth and making his nose scrunch in the cutest way. His hair was ruffled from the wind and his bright green eyes sparkled with happiness. Mental image captured and saved. Our mate is beautiful. I murmered to my wolf who only hummed happily in agreement. He leaned against me as he tried to steady out on his feet still letting out little giggles.

"Now that's a new way to travel." He said happily as he straighten out. He looked at the house and his smile faltered slightly but still remained. "Thank you Hades." He patted my head and looked back at the house.

I knew he had to go so I stepped back and let him walk away, fighting the instinct to follow. Now what in that house ruined that beautiful full smile?

(A/n) As said in my previous chapter I was working on the next and I got it done so here you are! Again I'm sorry for neglecting my writing. But I hope you liked it and don't be afraid to give me advise, I always feel like my writing isn't the best so let me know if you have any tips, suggestions, or comments because I love to hear your feedback. Also all the edits on this chapter is me fixing typos because my phone was acting up so I had to restart it. Next chapter here we go!

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