Chapter Five

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The house was quite without anyone home, the wind making the trees rustle and my feet sliding across the floor were the only sounds in that seemed to fill the vacant space. I let out a sigh in relief as I dropped into my bed. I could only hope this weekend would be filled with food, tv, and my bed. Sometimes my parents will say the will be gone for a week and show up the next day sometimes trying to see if I'd regress again, my father always looking for an excuse to beat me, other times so drunk they can't remember why they left. My mind wondered different places from home life to when I get to leave to the large male at the Cafe. My spine shuddered at the last thought, the handsome man who's name I wish I'd have the courage to ask.

I rolled onto my tummy and turned on the TV with the volume down, just in case, I turned to Cartoon Network. I knew better to let myself slip into little space but I couldn't help but watch Cartoons when stressed. It gave me enough relaxation to keep my mind off things while not slipping into my younger demeanor. Courage the Cowardly Dog was playing making me smile, one of my old time favorites.

Five episodes in I had to go potty so I quickly slide out of bed and ran into the bathroom during the commercials. I let out sigh once the pressure was relieved from my bladder and decided pants weren't comfortable. After washing my hands I threw my jeans into the hamper and made my way to the kitchen. Hunger forming in the bottom of my stomach I searched the fridge and cabinet for something to eat. I wiggles my butt excitedly when I found a microwave bag of chicken nuggets and a thing of Oreos. Popping a cookie into my laid 13 nuggets on a plate and started the timer happily.

My gaze shifted around the room aimlessly until I looked out the window catching two pairs of eyes looking at me from the woods. I froze watching back observing how the eyes shifted in the shadows. One set began to move closer and then a large dogs head popped out of the bushes. It's red and white fur shinning in the mood light  Husky maybe? A little large though. The second dog moved forward, it's coat black as night letting it blend in better and it stood a head taller then the other. It quickly blocked the others path with its head low in a wide stance. Oh no, please puppies don't fight. I couldn't tear my eyes away from bigger dog and I found myself moving towards the back door without thinking.

As soon as the door opened the smaller wolfs ears perked as it looked around the bigger one. The black wolf let out a snarl catching both our attention, the small or the two quickly bared his neck showing no fight and with one more glance turned and walked back into the forest. The black wolf let out low rumbles until the sound of the red one completely disappeared. That's definitely a male. I couldn't feel any fear as I stepped further out of the house making the large dog turn quickly. This time his head and tail high the dog looked over me tilting his head to the side. I followed the action and I swear the dog smiled.

"Hi babys." I cooed softly holding out a hand. He slowly moved forward sniffing the air as he moved closer. I watched in fascination as he walked the large muscles shifting under his fur until he stopped his muzzle and inch from my hand. "Well you definitely aren't a husky are you boy." The large dog let out a huff as he sat down.  His head come to about chest height even sitting down and his paws were bigger than my hands. Yet I felt no fear as I slowly reached out to pet him, instead I felt happy and safe. He let out a purr like rumble as I slowly ran my fingers across he his between his ears and he leaned into my touch happily. I let out a small giggle as his snout turned slightly licking my arm back. I lifted my other hand slowly and began to use both to sooth out his black coat. The surface of his fur was slight rough and brittle but the undercoat as soft as a lambs wool. His little rumbles continued as I ran my fingers over his ears down and his cheek. The microwave gave out a sharp beep making us both jump.

"Well I guess that mean it's time for me to go inside buddy, if you hang out around here maybe next time I'll have something for you." I sighed not wanting to leave the large animal outside. He let out a small whine and nudged my hands begging for more attention. Looking back at the road, I worried my lip my eyes searching for any sign of my fathers car. "Okay but only for a little bit." The dogs tail wagged happily as it followed me into the house. He quickly set out searching the place his nose low to the ground as I sniffed around my home. Nothing felt more peaceful then the quite clicking of his nails over the hard wood floors and the relaxing calm that settled over the house, for once feeling like home.

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