Chapter Three

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High school is a never ending hell, for me at least. I let out a small sigh as I looked my locker, fagot painted across the blue metal. Sooo original. I've never told anyone I'm gay but most people assume, just by looking at me. They are not wrong but it still doesn't mean I should be treated like shit. I have zero friends here and multiple bullies that make it their life mission to see me break. I honestly don't know why I mean it's in this day and age they should be over it.

"Hey whore. Who's dick will you be riding tonight?" One of the football jocks shouted earning more attention. He pushed me, sending my face into the metal. I could feel the blood before it started to drip from my nose. With a sigh I pushed off the lockers and ignored the laughing behind me. They say kids are cruel but this is starting to go to far, and ignoring them is the best I can do for now.

I silently opened my locker as the people behind me began to walk away. After putting my books away I grabbed my bag and headed for the front door, class wasn't worth this shit.

I decided to stay in town, not wanting to run into my parents before they left. I kept my head down and my hood up as I stalked towards the cafe down the road. The road was quite only a couple cars on the road and the sidewalks empty. With I sigh I ducked into the small shop and dropped my hood. The cafe only seats about 40 people, the interior bland with beige walls and dark colored wood seats. The most colorful thing in here was the cupcakes and Miss Mackentire's make-up. Miss Mackentire was an older woman, her blonde hair flat and stained with silver, and her brown eyes dull and foggy. She's half blind but the sweetest woman I've meet and I love her cafe.

"Good morning ma'am." I couldn't help but smile as I walked up to the register. "How are you today?"

"Good morning dearie! I'm doing well, how about yourself?" Her voice was soft but rough from years of smoking.

"I'm doing, but one of your warm chocolate muffins would make the day so much better." The words weren't even fully out of my mouth when she started towards the muffin warmer. The muffin was sat on the counter in front of me as I handed her the money. "Thank you ma'am." I couldn't help but laugh at the face she made at the money in her hand, half the time she refuses to let me pay but this time I quickly ducked out of reach so she couldn't hand it back.

"Baxter get your skinny butt back here and take this money!" She exclaimed loudly. I let out another laugh and backed up more before I hit a hard wall. Looking back I realized it's not exactly a wall but a wall of muscle. The man smiled politely and look between me and Miss Mackentire.

"M-my apologizes sir." I ducked my head in embarrassment and stepped away.

"No problem." The large man nodded. Looking him over I couldn't help but blush. His sage green eyes followed me as I made my way out of the cafe making my blush darken. It might be creepy to some people but having a handsome mans attention on me felt flattering.

(A/N) Hey guys!! I'm sorry for the long wait on the update, I am currently working a lot and engaged so it is hard to write some times, but I saw how much attention my book was getting and I really wanted to give you guys something.

I want to hear what you all think so far so please comment, good or bad. I value your opinion because it makes me a better writer so feel free to say what you want. I'm just starting to publish two of my books to see where they go so I'd love the help. My updates will not be regular because I'm pretty busy but I love writing and I'm just seeing how these books go starting off. Thank you!

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