Chapter Twenty-Four

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He said yes! Oh my god he said yes! I practically yelled at my wolf as I searched for a change of clothes.

Yes, I heard. He chuckled back in amusement. I held up two shirts debating what to wear my mind playing war with itself. Do the grey button down. Its a little more subtle so it fits really anywhere. That way we can make sure he is comfortable without being out of place.

Grey it is. I quickly rehung the deep blue dress shirt and put on the button down. I wore black shined work boots with dark wash jeans and the grey shirt that fit tightly across my chest. I quickly tucked in the front and placed my wallet and keys in my pockets before checking the mirror one last time. I wasn't dressed to fancy, I didn't want fancy. I just wanted to go somewhere nice and relaxing with my mate. Speaking of..

The scent of snowberries and pine drifted through the door indicating my mate approaching the room. A soft knock sounded on my bedroom door making me smile brightly.

"Yes little one?" I asked after I opened the door.

"Um, w-where are we going? I d-don't know what to w-wear." He stuttered out nervously, and my mouth went dry as I stared. My mate stood in the hallway in shirtless with low riding light jeans on. I licked my lips and flexed my fingers as I fought the urge to pull him into the room.

Do it. My wolf growled out panting.

No. You and I both know he is no where ready for what we were thinking. I snarled back.

"Wear what makes you comfortable. As long as you are happy you could wear a potato sack." I grumbled as my eyes explored his exposed skin.

"But I don't know what to wear." He huffed out. Unable to hold back I ran the back of my knuckles across his ribs making him shiver.

"Do you want me to pick out a shirt for you little one?" I asked in a playful tone, checking to make sure he stayed relaxed.

"Y-yes please." He murmured while tucking his head, I'd bet money a bright blush dusted his cheeks. My heart swelled and the daddy-dom side beamed at the little man. I scooped him up, resting both my hand under his thighs to hold him up on my hip. He laid his head on my shoulder, not fighting me carrying him. I couldn't help but let out a wolfish purr that vibrated my chest when he nuzzled my neck, and if Baxter heard he never acknowledge it.

"Now lets find you a shirt." I said as I walked into his room. I set him on the bed and started looking through his shirts. A soft maroon long sleeve stood out making me smile and I quickly pulled it out letting it unfold. "Arms up sweetie." I ordered lightly as I faced my mate. He blushed but he lifted his arms without hesitation. I tugged the material over his head a kissed his head softly.

"There you go, all dressed!" I said excitedly and lifted back onto my hip. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders as his fingers played with the hair on the back of my neck. With another small kiss on his head as I walked out.

"Where are we going?" He asked looking around as we made out way though the pack house.

"You'll see love." I chuckled making him pout. I gave him a small tap on his thigh before I opened the door to set him in his seat. "I'm taking you to get food and that's all you're going to get from me." I had a small smug smile before shutting the door. Quickly I made my way to the divers seat and started the engine. I raised the middle section to make the front a bench seat and pulled Baxter into the middle. I let him buckle before wrapping my arm around him. I pulled out of driveway and onto the two track without a problem happy to get away from the house.

"Why today? Why not later, or earlier?" He asked out of nowhere as he played with my fingers again.

"You just moved in, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or think that expected something from you. As for why not later, I was just getting excited and thought you were comfortable enough that I could ask." I grumbled with a pout.

My Wolf, My Daddy (Mxb) DDLBWhere stories live. Discover now