Chapter Thirty One

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When Wednesday rolled around I silently got ready for school. I haven't left my room since we got back to the apartment, I didn't even get out of bed except to shower and use the bathroom so I haven't seen Jamison. Pressing my lips I quickly grabbed my backpack and tried to sneak out of the door.

"Where are you going?" Jamison said from where he was sitting in the living room. I froze and groaned quietly.

"To school." I replied shortly.

"Let me drive you?" He asked and stood. I couldn't help but jump a little making him whine softly. I felt my heart tug with empathy as I looked him over, honestly he looked like shit. His eyes were dull with heavy bags under them, his hair was a mess, and it looks like he hadn't ate or slept since Saturday. I wanted to hug him, and I wanted to be no where near him.

"I'll be fine." I snapped, my voice shaking slightly.

"Please, I know you're scared of me right now but I need to know you're safe." He said stepping forward. I immediately backed away and shook my head. He stopped and glared silently at the floor before pulling his keys from his pocket. "Can you drive? I don't want you walking and I know you probably won't feel comfortable with Lux or Tabitha right now either."

"I know how to drive." I replied taking another step back for good measure. Dad taught me before he knew about "the abomination".

"Then you can take my truck. I don't know why I never asked before." He mumbled and set the keys on the coffee table.

"I don't have my license." I stated, hugging myself.

"Either you drive yourself or I drive you. You are not walking, so pick one." He demanded lowly making me flinch and my breathing shutter, the moment didn't go unnoticed. He pressed his lips and let out a low growl before walking out of the apartment, shortly after a lonely howl filled the air.

With shaky hands I picked up the keys and walked down to the garage, careful to avoid the pack members. I eyed Jamison's truck in reluctance but quickly climbed in, knowing it's better than walking considering he lived further from the school then my old house. It took a solid five minutes to adjust the settings in the truck to my size before setting out.

Driving on a bumpy dirt road was a little harder then I expected, making the drive seem longer with my cautious driving. Luckily I got to the school early enough to find an open spot big enough for me to feel comfortable parking the large vehicle. I saw Tabitha and Lux standing by a silver car staring with slack jaws but they didn't try to approach me. I turned off the truck and struggled to climb out while mumbling under my breath. After I shut the door I quickly scurried into the building.

"Good morning Baxter! Its good to see you again, how are you doing?" Mr. Bremmingham asked with a smile as soon as I walked in.

"Hmm?" I mumbled confused, my mind trying to process. "Oh, sorry sir. I'm doing better, not quite at 100% yet." (All my people with at least mild ADHD will understand LOL sometimes it just takes a second for the brain to catch up)

"That's good to hear, honestly I was shocked to hear you were coming in today. As soon as I knew I collected your missed work so you don't loose any points for missing your classes." He replied and held out a small stack of papers. "With the quarter coming close to the end you didn't miss a lot."

"Thank you." I smiled lightly and took the papers. "Wait, what do you mean you heard I was coming to school?"

"Alpha Jamison told me of course." He replied making my smile drop. "Seeing your face I'm guessing you're still not comfortable with the idea of wolves then." He backed off to give me some space and sighed. I stayed silent and started fidgeting with the edges of the papers he handed me.

"Look I can understand that and respect it, but its not as bad as you think." He said lightly starting to anger me.

"How can you understand? How can you understand what its like knowing the first people who have shown you kindness in years have been lying to you the entire time you've known them? How can you understand the fear that comes with knowing that if they ever loose their temper they could kill you without having to break a sweat? Tell me how you can understand!" I nearly yelled as my eyes began to well up with tears.

"Because I was human once to." He stated simply. I froze and fixed my stare on his face. He had a bittersweet smile as he thought back. "That's right. When my mate found me I was human just like you. I was fully in love with her, or so I thought before I knew. When I figured it out I freaked even worse then you, I actually tried to hit her with a knife. Being as naive as I was at that young of an age I consulted with a friend who ended up being a hunter. Classic right. He told his family so they almost killed me trying to bait my mate out to hurt her, to find the pack. Luckily even after I had tried to hurt her she still come back for me. Because of my mate was hurt, werewolves rarely get scars but about 23% of her body is covered in them because of me. It took over a year before our bond was fully repaired but after we mated I asked Alpha Jamison to turn me so she never would know that pain again. We've been together for 19 years now and have 3 beautiful children. I will always regret hurting her the way that I did and that is something I have to live with, but despite everything I caused I'm her world and she is mine. So yes I do understand everything you are feeling. I'm not asking you to be okay with everything because it doesn't just work like that, but I do know what you're going through so I am here or in house 238 if you ever need someone to talk to."

"Thank you..." I mumbled in shock. "I-I'll keep that in mind."

With one last nod Mr. Bremmingham moved behind his desk leaving me to my thoughts.

(A/N) Sorry for the long pause you guys, here's the next chapter.

Adulting sucks way to much, but Im finally stable at home and got into my new routine which will be changing again cause I have a little one on the way. I'm working on writing the next couple chapters. At chapter 35 I do want to quickly go through and Edit everything quickly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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