Chapter Four

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Daz and I made our way into town talking about some of our childhood memories. How we used to cause havoc in stores and get ourselves kicked out of human stores in the area. Our should brushed as we laughed at our memories of being care free pups. Sometimes I wish life could go back that was, sometimes I wish to be the carefree pup I was before not have to lead the pack with the world on my shoulders. Don't get me wrong, I'd never give up my position as Alpha, but sometimes it's gets to be a lot and without a mate there was no one to help my up when I crumbled under that weight.

My stomach growled as my beta followed making us both smile. "Guess it's time to eat then." Daz smirked, "Your treat right?"

"Only in your dreams." I couldn't help but smile back pushing my beta lightly causing him to step off the cement and into the grass. Of course I'd pay for his meal but he didn't need to know that. The smell of sweet goodies and home cooking made teacher my nose and I couldn't help my growl in pleasure. A small cafe down the block drew me in and I could feel Daz following close behind drawn by the same scent.

I pushed open the door and smiled deeply, at the same time I felt my wolf jump inside my head. A new smell hit me, pine and snow berries. Mate. My wolf whined in glee trying to push forward.  Stepping more into the cafe I watched as a small male backed up laughing as the woman behind the desk yelled at him in a mother like tone. To enchanted by his beautiful laugh I didn't have time to step aside as he backed straight into me. The small male turned around smile all but gone from his face and his eyes scanned me quickly before looking down.

"M-my apologizes sir." He said quietly while stepping away. His attitude and demeanor cried submissive making my wolf cry out in want. Being a dominant the simple act made me want to curl my toes.

"No problem." I had to keep my answer short or I don't know what I would say and I didn't want to embarrass myself. The looked over me again this time slower his face turning a light shade of red he hurried off towards the door. I couldn't help but watch him leave and when he glanced back I saw his blush darken. I let out another small growl of satisfaction as I watch him hurry away until he was out of my sight.  Daz watched from a distance away clearing his throat to get my attention one eyebrow raised.

"Mate." I let slip through our mind-link watching his face go slack in shock. Not wanting to dwelling the conversation around a human, I turned and made my way to the counter where the old lady still smiled shaking he head lightly. 

"Hello gentlemen, what can I get for you two?" Her smile never faltered as she look between us. I scanned over the menu ordering a large chicken wrap while Daz ordered a large steak wrap. Paying in cash we quickly made our way out of the store and into the empty streets. Our wraps already out of the wrapper.

"What did you mean mate?" Daz said excitedly, he knew how I felt and how much resentment I held for the gala.

"The little male. He was my mate." I said simply while my wolf jumped in glee in my head.

"And we're not following him because...?" He questioned before taking a large bite of his food.

"He's human. I can't just follow him around like a puppy without looking creepy. I'm coming back out tonight in wolf form and finding him." I knew it to be true. Humans do not know of our existence so see a random stranger following you would freak out any human. I looked over at my best friend as he made the 'oh' face

"Right. Can I come? I want to get a better look at my new Luna!" I could see his wolf behind his eyes with a wagging tail. To us it's a great honor to meet an alpha or Luna. I chewed over his works slowly. I can't talk to my mate tonight so we'll just be watching from a distance so there shouldn't be any harm.

"Fine. Only because you're my beta and friend. On one condition." My voice became thick with dominance to show how important this is. "No one in the pack can know. Not yet at least." 

"Yes Alpha." Daz tilted his head to show his neck slightly. A way of showing he would and could not break my command. "May I ask why?"

"With the gala close more wolves will be showing up. Some of which I don't even know. They are not to know of my mate, he is to be kept safe."  My wolf growled at the thought of another person being close to my little male. Understanding flooded Daz's face, us wolves are very territorial and other wolves  could try to hurt him for the alpha position.

"As you wish Alpha." He said softly. The rest of the walk was done in silence as we ate our wraps. My mind stayed on little males wide grey eyes and his flushed cheek,the way he looked at me after his small body made contact with mine. My mate was beautiful and I could hear my wolf grumble in agreement. I just couldn't wait to find him tonight.

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