Chapter Eleven

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The past few days were great, Hades showed up in the mornings and walked with me to school and home after we were let out. He didn't come by at night time as often but I figured he got tried from waking up as early to walk with me. Sometimes Hermes would show up as well but I never saw him without the bigger wolf. Sometimes Hades would let me ride on his back as we walked earning a lot of laughs. I've never felt so happy without slipping into little space but I've came close a couple times when the large wolves would play around with me. They always stayed gental never getting to rough even when it seemed like they would. It was Saturday afternoon and my parents weren't home so the two wolves stuck around in the back yard with me. We were laying in the grass when suddenly both of their heads popped up.

A white wolf stepped out of the trees searching the yard till he looked at us. I recognize the scarred wolf immediately making my body shake slightly as i scooted behind Hades. The white wolf whined and lowered himself to his belly. The Hades looked back and me and stood up walking behind me and nudged me forward. Hades didn't seem threatened by the wolf, he simply walked up to him in licked his ear lightly. The white wolf let out another whine and slowly army crawled closer. Hades stuck by his side until they were both in front of me. The black wolf moved to my sids his eyes holding pride as the white wolf bared his throat to me. I stepped back in surprise, I had done research I knew it was a sign of submission. Making sure Hades and Hermes were both there to protect me, I knelt down and reached my hand out slowly letting the wolf sniff me. He began to wag his tail happily and slowly sat up as not to scare me.

"Well boys looks like we got another one. You need to stop bringing. All of your friends or I'll go broke trying to feed all of you." I said smiling. The white wolf tilted his head and ran off, only minutes later coming back with a rabbit. He gladly put it at my feet wagging his tail proudly as if saying "I can catch my own food thank you very much." I scrunched my nose in disgust as he picked back up the rabbit happily walking farther away to eat.

"Gross Kratos." I called at him. His head popped back up at the name tilting his head. "Yes that'll be your name, since you protected me. The Godess of protection is... well a Godess and I doubt you'd like to have a girls name, so I went with the God of Strength." I stated. "And now I'm talking to wolves like they can understand me. No offense but I need some friends." All three of the wolves just let out a wolf like smiled as if laughing at me.

I plopped down in the grass and rolled my eyes. Hades quickly began licking at my face while wagging his tail and letting out happy yips. I giggled, tossing my head trying to get away from his slimy tongue. I fell back more and he moved above me as I could feel myself begin slip with. My giggles began to get slightly higher in pitch and childish as I began to enter my head space. Hades wagged his tail as he stepped back, panting happily. I let out another giggle and moved onto my tummy.

"Puppy!" I squealed and crawled closer to the large wulfy. I wrapped my hands in his fur pulling myself back into a kneeling position letting the large animal support my weight. I grinned and snuggled into the black wulfy giggling into his thick fur. He happily curled around me letting my crawl over him not seeming to mind even when I pulled at his fur babbling. The red wulfy and the white one slowly walked over making me squeal again but I stuck close to the bigger one. I laid out on my back and began to play with the his snout patting at it playfully. He lightly used his paw to bat back playing a game if tapping eachother back and forth.

The other two wulfs popped their heads up making the black one stop and stare at something towards the front of the house. I continued to pull at his lips and play with his neck as he stared, not paying any mind to me. I pouted and started to bat at him again trying to get my attention back letting out a small whine of annoyance. The other two wulfs jumped up and bounded into the forest behind the house and the black one sat up quickly causing me to flop back. I whined out in protest and made grabby hands ignoring the sounds of voices from the front yard, I just wanted the puppy's attention. He looked between the house and the woods before he let out a growl and stepped over me but continued to ignore my whines.

"What I all hell?" I heard a voice yell making me look to see my father. I smiled and waved at him giggling.

"Papa!" I said happily and turned back to the wulf. "Thatz papa, no growlz." He stopped growling but wouldn't move from above me so pouted and rolled over, crawling out.

"Pathetic child. What did I say about this!" Papa yelled his face turning red in anger as he stomped closer. I let out a whine and wulfy let out another growl. "Shut up you stupid mutt!" He snarled at the puppy and grabbed my arm yanking me closer and I cried out in pain and fear. The puppy snarled loudly and knocked my father away causing me to fall on my bum and I began to cry.

"Papa no meanies!" I whined out through my tears as the puppy stood protectively infront of me baring his teeth. My father scoffed and tried to get close again but when the puppy stepped forward he backed of.

"I hope that mutt hurts you." Papa rumbled out and stormed towards the house. The wulf tried to follow, snarling but when I let out another cry he stopped. He shook his head and turned towards me, he let out a small whined and nuzzled me lightly. I sniffled and my crys become silent but my tears wouldn't stop. The wulf pushed me to his back and I knew to climb on. He walked slowly towards the woods as my tears soaked his fur and my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. The warmth of his fur seeped into my body providing comfort and lulled me into sleep.

(A/n) Hey guys! What do you think about the first little space encounter? Being a Care Giver I don't know to much about how to write a characters POV in little space so I want to hear your feed back. And because of that next time will more than likely be in Jamisons POV because I have more experience with witnessing little space.

My Wolf, My Daddy (Mxb) DDLBHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin