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Prince Karkat sulked the halls the red Strider knight following behind him. "I DONT SEE THE PURPOSE OF YOU FOLLOWING ME AROUND." Karkat growled back at him his brows furrowing. "to keep you safe of course~" he explained his voice smooth as he smirked. "ISNT THIS CASTLE GAURDED ENOUGH FOR ME TO WALK FREELY??!!" Karkat asked his voice punching the knight in the chest. The knight rolled his eyes and stepped forward to walk along side him. "Prince it was an order from the king. I cannot just ignore his orders." He said as they walked and turned forward. Karkat groaned and looked forward as well, crossing his arms in the process. It was quiet for some time as they strolled threw the corridors. Until The small Prince asked the red knight a question, "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING THAT VISOR OVER YOUR EYES!?". The knight froze and looked away. "No reason simply because it was an order from the king." He mumbled as they turned another corner. "BULLSHIT. THERE HAS TO BE A REASON!! DO YOU HAVE A NASTY SCAR OR SOME SHIT!?" The Prince said annoyed at his stupidity. "Something like that..." The knight mummbled under his breath. "WELL." Karkat said and stopped turning to him, "SHOW ME, KNIGHT OF THE ASSHOLES.". The Strider paused thinking it threw his head. "COME ON. I HAVENT GOT ALL DAY." Prince Vantas demanded."okay... Just..." Dave started and slowly slide the sun glasses off of his face. The young Vantas's jaw dropped but was quickly closed as to not be rude. The knight's eyes were a dazzling bright red. "W-WOE..." Karkat stutted his cheeks going into a light red as well. "Is he blushing?...." Dave asked in his head. "THEYRE... KINDA COOL I GUESS..." Karkat quickly turned and opened the door to his chambers going in and slamming the door in the Knights face.
Karkat was FLUSTERED. His cheeks were red his heart was beating fast his head was filled with the image of the red knight's beautiful eyes.
"STUPID KNIGHT." He mumbled and flopped into his bed looking to the ceiling. "AND HIS STUPID EYES"

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