Maybe its not John

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The time passed slowly in thier safe place.
It had taken a day to reach here. All on horse back. Cronus stood at the door of the small home. It was blocked off with stone on all sides of the house. Kankri was snoozing on the small beds in one of the rooms, the purple knight's cape around him.
But in a back room there was no need for capes. It was getting hot already.
Their was hot kisses.
It was strange.
Karkat's lips mashed with John's but not as gracful and kind as Dave.
"DAVE...." The prince though.
He pushed John away.
Just shoved him off of his weak body.
"W-what's wrong?" Said a breathy John.
"I-I JUST CANT DO THIS IM SORRY" Karkat's muttered and stood patting himself off and walks off.
"What?" John asked himself.

Karkat couldn't stop thinking of him.
He sat in the attic looking out a small window dust lay gentally on the floor.
"UGH STOP." He thought to himself.
But, he couldn't.

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