The moon

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Toes tip across the hall and into the large glass room. Red eyes dash over the windows watching the snow fall. The toes tip over to the windows. They young prince sits and looks out searching for the moon. "WHERE THE FUCK IS IT" he mumbled to himself as his eye lashes bat. He places a hand to the window and sighs. "MOTHER... IF YOU WERE HERE WHAT WOULD YOU DO?..." he whispered to the now found bright moon. "Princey?" A red knight asked with a smirk. Prince Karkat jumped up and turned. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU FOLLOW ME!?!" He asked shocked and pissed off. "I was told to protect and look after. I must do my duty, Sir." The blonde replied and bowed slightly to him. Prince Karkat growled and stood. "GET OUT OF HERE, FUCKASS!!" He snarled balling his fists. "I DONT EVEN WANNA BE HERE!!! SO WHY DONT YOU LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!" Karkat shouted and turned back to the windows. He breathed harshly fighting back his tears. The Knight nodded and turned walking out. Prince Karkat looked back. "HE ACTUALLY LEFT..." He thought and looked to the ground. He stared at the ground and sat back down. ".... MOTHER..." He whispered.

Kankri sat in the light of a candle at the small wooden desk. His large red eyes watched as his quill moved along the paper and looked up at the small pot of ink and dabbled in his quill then continued to write.
Dear Lady Maryam,
9h dear friend. I ap9l9gize f9r leaving y9u at the castle al9ne with the 9ther servants. 6ut father agreed to send a carrage t9 bring y9u here!! S9 h9pe t9 see me s99n!! I will 6e glad t9 have y9u with me... There is a knight here wh9 was 9rdered t9 watch 9ver me... Please c9me t9 me s99n.
L9ve y9ur dearest friend,
Prince Kankri Vantas

The red knight walked into the glass room again. His eyes look down to the small prince curled up next to the window his eyes closed his chest rising and falling slowly. "He fell asleep..." The red knight thought and smiled slightly scooping him up and carrying him back to his room and tucking him back in and closing the door behind him as he leaves. And the moon shines threw the window looking into Prince Karkat with a smile.

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