Travel through the forest p.2

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The moon was out, it was a nice moon, they could see it reflected into the water. Porrim had construed a bow and a few arrows from the near by trees and plants. "This forest doesn't seem supanatral, Porrim..." Cronus said laying with Kankri on the grass. Porrim looked over from her perch in a low hanging tree and chuckled low in her throat. "No+t yet, dear Knight...." Porrim said and closed her eyes once more. "Please, children. Sleep in the trees." Porrim said softly and let out a sigh. The Prince and Knight nodded and stood, walking to a tree. Cronus hopped onto a branch and spreed his legs some for Kankri to sit, which he did. Kankri pured at Cronus's comfortable arms around him and his soft kisses on the back of his neck. Cronus smiled at the pur and nuzzles his nose into the back of his head and leaned back on the large oak trunk of the tree. "I l9ve y9u, my dear..." Kankri whispered looking back at him, the red and the purple eyes slipping together. "I lovwe YOU, my dearest..." Cronus replied and they smiled and gave eachother a sweet kiss then closed their eyes to attempt to sleep.
"Finally." A quiet voice spoke. "Come on Caliborn, don't be so harsh!!!!! They're sweet..." Spoke the odd looking twin. "Oh shut up you." The small fairy, Caliborn said as his wings changed color in discomfort. "Don't go playing tricks, Cali." The girl of the fairies said, folding her arms looking at her twin in disappointment. "Maybe." The boy said and flew off back to thier cave. The girl shook her head, the white swips upon her head shimmering in the moon.

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