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There was foot steps heard once more coming down the stairs. Cronus's chest was rising and falling fast. He was not dead, but he was barly living. The blood had dried but there was to much lost.
The small scared Vantas prince looked up at the figure in the doorway. Someone with wide hips and a caring smile.
"P-P9rrim??..." Kankri spoke crawling over to the corner of the bars, sitting up. "h-h9w did y9u get h-here?" Kankri asked, his voice quiet and his eyes tired and worn. "I snuck..." Porrim said her voice crisp and clear. She looked around and found a key and ran to Kankri's cell and unlocked it. "P9rrim..." Kankri squeaked as he was picked up. "N-N9... P-P9rrim..." He spoke resistancing. "Kankri. Please." She said trying to hold him as she began to walk. "P9rrim!!!" He said in a loud whisper and pushed him out of her arms over to Cronus. "My l-l9ve..." He whispered to his knight. "K... K..." Cronus tried to speak. He was weak. His eyes were heavy, his chest low in pain, his cough sounded brutal when he did away from Kankri's face. Kankri never stopped crying from the first night, his eyes were small and wet. Porrim stopped and reached into her bag and ran over. "I used to kno+w a man... Well my sister did... He fo+ugly against the Makara's but... Him and his father were useless.. But my sister gave me this." She said and pulled out a white wand.
Cronus's eyes went wide and he moved in his chains only to wince but to also see the wand closely. "E-Eridan..." He spoke a smile growing on his cheeks. "T-that's m-my br-brothers wvand!" He said with a happiness but then a blood curtailing cough. "So+ yo+u kno+w ho+w to+ use it??" Porrim asked looking at him with a smile. "D9 y9u Cr9nus?? D9 y9u??" Kankri said his heart in high hopes.
"Well. Let's do+ this."
"What d9 we have t9 say??"
Hope was found.
For now.

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