Getting closer p.2

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It was a beautiful afternoon. That's the afternoon I had my first REAL kiss.

Karkat sat looking upon the land of the Strider King. He watched the people go about thier day. And it was peaceful. Until the knight found him. "UGH WHAT DO YOU WANT, STRIDER!?" Karkat asked with a groan rolling his eyes and looking back on the town. "I'm just coming to see how you're doing, Princey~" he chuckled and sat down facing the castle and looked over at him. "UGH. IM "FINE" ASSHOLE" he responded and crossed. "That's great, sir Karkat...." He said and looked around. It was quiet and then-
I kissed him.
Karkat turned and grabbed the front of his uniform and kissed the knight passionetly who kissed back touching his arm. Both of thier eyes closed in bliss as the knight pulled the prince closer. After a little the knight pulled his lips back breathing slightly heavily. "W-well..." He started his lips turning into a smirk. "YA..." Karkat spoke softly. The knight chuckled and kissed him softer sweetly almost.

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