Childhood memories p.2

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The sky is dark. It's black with smoke. "MOTHER FUCKIN FASTER, MOTHER FUCKERS" the grand high king growled from his blood splattered throne. He looked upon his people who are chained and walking in circles. Their feet bleeding thier wirsts and ancles chaffing and rubbing on the rusted chaines. A young Cronus looks down as he marches wincing as his wounded feet touch the dirty ground. He followed his father, The fallen emperor Dualscar Ampora. Cronus's little brother followed him weeping quietly, dry blood sat on his cheek from the murder of his mother in front of him. " I wwant mommy..." He wispered to Cronus his tears and sweat making him look older then he was. "Shut up and wvalk..." Cronus muttered trying not to break down in tears. "Be kind, Cronus..." Dualscar whispered his pain worse then all of them since the pain of his people fell along his shoulders. "... Yes father..." Cronus said and put his head down again. Then. There was a cry. A cry so loud all of the people stopped. The high king stood. "WhO mOtHeR FUCKIN dId ThAt!?" He barked loudly. "LET THEM GO." A loud voice rang. "TO WHOME AM I MOTHER FUCKIN TALKIN TO!?" The grand King asked with a low chuckle. "KING DIRK STRIDER!!" The voice rang and there was a loud thundering of feet. An army a great army marched in King Dirk Strider at the head of them leading the forward. The high king's Knights run out with clubs and big smiles. "ATTACK!!!!"
Then it went dark.
Cronus opened his eyes seeing the Strider King pick him up and get on a horse.
He opened his eyes again as they road looking back seeing his Father's face. It burned.

It was quiet. Kankri touched Cronus's arm his other hand over his mouth. A tear rolling down his cheek. "I..... " Kankri started.
"Im s9 s9rry, Cr9nus"

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