its not what it seems

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The war had begun.
It was heated and blood spread on the ground. But the Strider castle was safe. The alliance was standing strong. Everything was going perfect.
But a small romance still hung in the castle, one of love and pure hearted ness.

"Kankri... I lovwe you... Wvith all my heart..." Cronus whispered to the prince late that night, their hands intertwined in the garden moon light. Dozens of roses and tulips grew upon the ground surrounding them, along with bushes and trees to hide the love in the leaves. "9h, Cr9nus... I ad9re y9u... I l9ve y9u with my every 6eing..." Kankri whispered back to the knight. "Kankri I..." The purple knight stuttered then stepped back and went to his knee. "Kankri wvill you-" there was a rustle in the leaves. Shouting could be heard for inside the castle. Cronus rose and looked around, pulling Kankri closer to his chest.
And then there was words heard from the castle.

Stuck in a castleWhere stories live. Discover now