Leaking ceiling

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There was drips of water echoing threw the dark prison. A small body lay on the dirt stone floor. The boy's nose twitched. His red eyes flashed open and he quickly sat up.
"C-Cr9nus?" The young prince called into the darkness. There was a clanging of chains. "K-Kankri..." A broken voice called back. The prince gasped and looked around finding a touch on the wall. He grabbed the torch from his cell and ran to the bars and stretches his arm out of the cell. The floor was illuminated. Then the light stretched out to the knight. Blood dripped down his arms onto his chest.
The word "Makara" was carved into his chest.
"CR9NUS!!!" Kankri screamed tears forming in his eyes. "hush... Lovwe I'll be-" he pauses and coughs up blood onto his chin, "f-fine.." He finished. The prince shook his head tears running down his pale cheeks as he fell to the floor.
Loud clanking ran threw.
Kankri looked up quickly and ran the torch back to the wall and hid in the corner.
"I hEaRd MoThEr FuCkIn TaLkIn."
The knight's face freezed, memories rushing into his head.
"HuH aMpOrA~?"

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