Oh princey...

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The angry Prince Vantas sat at the long royal table the wood shining up at him as he slowly ate the eggs and ham one of the maids had given him. The gold fork and knife hit the China plate as he cut up small pieces of ham and put them in his mouth. The red knight stood at the door way looking Ito the dinning room watching him. His red eyes trained on him watching his every move. "Tell me, Princey why are you so sullen?" The red knight asked his words carrying threw the air to the prince. Prince Karkat snarled at him but did not answer just continued to eat. "Come on, Princey! You gotta talk to me at least once while you're staying at the castle!" He said with a small chuckle and a smile. Karkat looked up. He put down his knife and fork and looks up at him folding his arms. "WHY DO I NEED TO TALK TO A "SIMPLE" KNIGHT!?!" He laughed threw his words. The red knight frove and turned to guard the room. The Prince laughed and stood walking out and past him. The red knight watched him go. "oh, Princey..." He sighed and smirked. "You'll fall for me sooner or later~" he chuckled and went back to patrolling the halls.

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