What has happened to my child?

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Signless storms into the castle, his eyes ablaze with rage. "WHERE IS MY ELEDEST S9N!?!" He shouts at the remaining servants and other guests. "FATHER..." Karkat begun taking a step forward to touch his shoulder only to have it slapped away. "Karkat, d9 y9u even care that y9ur br9ther is g9ne?" The Vantas King scolded his young. Karkat noded and looked down stepping back into Dave's arms. "WH9ME WAS TAKING CARE 9F MY CH-" he was interrupted by the Strider King, "KNIGHT CRONUS. He is protecting the prince. Now how about you stop blaming my soldiers for this and take a breath."

It was hard for Cronus to take a breath. Kankri as well.
For the prince had watched his love being beaten and shamed.
Blood ran onto the floor.
"LeArN yO mOtHeRfUcKiN lEsSoN." The cruel Makara Prince whispered and walked back up the stairs.
"Cr9nus..." Kankri wispered with a strain in his voice from the tears he was shedding. "I-I'm okay, Kankri.." Cronus replied in a soft tone. "I'll get us out... I'll marry ya..." He said his eyes beginning to go fuzzy and he head fell.
The prince screamed.
His heart fell.
No hope was left.

Stuck in a castleWhere stories live. Discover now