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The purple knight dashes down the hall and into the sun room and bowed to Prince Kankri and lady Porrim. "Sir, Misses, the king has arrivwed back, but vwe are in danger!!" Cronus said breathing fast his eyes filled with worry. "Why w9uld we 6e in danger if father is 6ack?" He said looking up from his book. "The Makara Knights th-" he was interupted by a deeper voice behind him. "Have f9ll9wed us, my s9n." King Signless said as he walked in. Kankri gasped and dropped his book and ran to his father hugging him tight. "Father... Y9ure 6ack..." He said as he cling to him. "Yes, my s9n.. Where is Karkat?" He asked Kankri as he held him. Porrim stood and bowed to Signless. "I believe he was taken t+on a safe haven already by a knight..." Porrim said and smiled. "Ah P9rrim.. Thank y9u." Signless said with a small smile. "Kankri y9u must g9 with Karkat." Signless said and touched Kankri's cheek. "Knight." He called and Cronus stepped forward. "Yes, Sir?" He asked Signless. "Y9u shall take me s9n t9 that safe place.. Al9ng with P9rrim.." Cronus nodded and took The prince Vantas's hand and pulled him off Porrim following.
"Where is this safe haven, Cr9nus?"

Stuck in a castleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin