But where are the others

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Dave sit in the tallest tower in the castle, Karkat wrapped in his arms staring at the closed wooden door. He had not heard noise for at least 24 hours. Karks purred in his sleep, snuggling more into his red knight, his dreams dipped into his heart where Dave's face, movements, eyes, body, laugh, charm, and everything Karkat adored about him lay. Dave's eyes flutter as he tries to say awake, he was exhausted from the invasion but he needed to protect Karkat. His head bobbed in and out of rest and the world until he layed his head back and fell fast asleep.
A shadow appeared on the wall.
It was tall and big, one leg just a bit off. It moved towards the two sleeping beauties and seemed to have a smile. It's big terifying hand began to reach out to the boys when the door slammed open and the shadow vanished. "KARKAT!!!" Kankri squealed causing the younger Prince to be shoved out of his dream. "K-KANKRI!?!" He said with confusion and equal happiness. Dave's eyes fluttered back open and rubbed at them. "Y-you two are alive?..." He questioned looking between Cronus and Kankri as Karkat got out of his lap and hugged his brother. "Where's Sir Dirk?..." He continued and stood. Cronus looked down, "I'm not sure if he's alive..." He stud feted out. "Oh..." He responded with a sigh.
"At least we have each9ther, c9rrect?"
"A course, Kanny..."

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