I shouldve told you

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Knight Strider ran fast, almost flying through the air. His sword swinging harshly into the Makara warriors, blood spraying the ground as people fall. Dave looked up his eyes dark red with anger and looked back to the other King Strider soldiers. The Vantas King looked up at Dave. Dave's eyes glisten. "Karka-" The knight began under his breath but then a sharp pain ran through his body. The Vantas king's eyes widen and run forward and Dave heard a clash of a sword to metal armor. Dave fell to his knees looking back at Signless stabbing his sickle into the youngest Makara, Gamzee. The Makara smiled at Dave as the blade went through him and he fell back. Dave looked down at the sword that was ran through him. He was confused. The pain was harsh and vial but why did he not feel it? Signless ran behind him and scooped him up running fast to the castle gates and into the town sprinting to the castle.
Next thing Dave knew it went black.

((Sorry this is short!! Go ahead and leave some ideas and or requests for the future!! :3 hope you guys are liking this!! ))

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