Warmth can be sweet

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Cronus's violet eyes watched the world outside the window. His eyes flicked from grass to sky to trees. Wherever thier was movement his eyes were on it. He was focused. But then. He was warm. A small smile grow on his face as he felt arms wrap around his neck from behind, draping over his shoulders. "Cr9nus... Why 9n earth are y9u still awake?" Prince Kankri asked, his words slightly muffled due to his face being nuzzled into the Knights neck. "I am on guard wvatch, my prince..." He whispered still watching the trees. Kankri sighed and kissed Cronus on the cheek and walked off to the small couch behind him, wrapping the Knights cape around him for warmth.

Days past and no word from anyone had come. Knight John had grown impatient. "where's Dave!?" He groaned punching the table causing a small jump from the Vantas brothers. "He's probably fighting right nowv, John..." Cronus said sitting by the window, watching. Karkat heart dropped. "FIGHTING?" He asked, his voice soft and worried. "Ya.." Cronus replied shifting in his chair.

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