Childhood memories p.1

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Kankri sat in the court yard of the Strider castle looking upon the flowers. The Ampora knight stood to the side over looking him, gaurding him. "Knight" he called. Cronus looked up and walked over kneeling with a bow of his head. "Yes, Prince Vwantas?" The knight asked looking up. "Y9u said s9mething a69ut a t9rn past.... D9 tell me a69ut it..." The Prince said and scooted over on the white stone bench he was sitting upon. The knight froze then stood sitting beside him. "... Wvell..." He started and took his gloves off to show small scars. "... I used ta livwe in that Makara kingdom..." He said and looked down, Kankri watched him and his jaw began to drop. "R-really!? That's h9ri66le..." Kankri said putting a hand on his heart. "Ya... And ugh... Heh... I wvas torchred... My wvhole family wvas..." He said and swallows and bit his lip remembering it all ...


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