Travel threw the woods p.1

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The hover of the horses trotted on the damp ground from the morning due. The sun was shining threw the leaves and branches of the beautiful trees. It had looked scary and disturbing in the dark, but in the light there were beautiful colors and amazing plants and animals. "This is g9rge9us!!!!" Kankri chirped from his seat behind Cronus still holding his waist, his eyes dazzling at the sights. "In the m+orning it can be... But in the night..." She began looking over to him, putting the hood on her green cloak above her head,"there is darkness and danger." She finished and rode ahead of the couple.
Hours passed, Kankri was taking in the wonderful creatures and smells of the mystical flowers, Cronus rode on enjoying the close company of his Prince, and Porrim rode ahead and looked around caustiously, almost as if she were waiting for something...
Or someone.

They came to a stream two hours later and tied thier horses to trees and sat by the water. "I'll try catchin for fish sa wve can eat..." Cronus explained, leaning down to roll up his pant legs. Kankri smiled and kissed his cheek in thanks and sat down with Porrim. They watched as Cronus walked in with a rock strung to a stick and began to stab at the water. "Yo+u kno+w Kankri... Your knight there... The po+wer he ho+lds in that wand is a mighty o+ne." Porrim said taking a canteen out of her bag handing it to him. "He... He d9es??..." Kankri asked her taking the canteen and sipping from it. "Po+werful eno+ugh to+ win this war fo+r o+ur kingdo+ms. But he's the o+nly o+ne who+ can co+tro+l it." Porrim explained with a nod. Kankri looked up sipping at the water, "s9 why n9t ask him t9 save us, P9rrim??" He asked after the drink handing it back to her. "Because he wo+n't listen to+ me. He has to+ want to+ save us. So+?? Will yo+u persuade yo+ur dear knight??" She asked takin a sip of water as well. "Yes... I think I can d9 that..." Kankri replied looking over at a successful Cronus with a fish.
" I can d9 that."

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