Chapter 19: Let's Go 1-A!

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Thankfully Lumine wasn't upset by mine and Akiba's injuries for once. In all honesty, Lumine had looked a little worn out himself. He usually didn't have to heal so many students at one time, and who knew what kind of limitations his Quirk had. 

By the time we returned to the arena the recreational games were in full swing. We were able to reunite with Misaki and Ivana with no hard feelings. Misaki was actually feeling pretty proud of herself for once.

It wasn't long before Tauren "gently persuaded" some of the girls from our class to have a cheer-off against 1-B.

"It's not that I'm saying I want you girls to have a cheer off with them, it's just that I can't bear the thought of 1-B outdoing my beloved students at anything!" she said dramatically, her tail swishing eagerly behind her.

One of my eyes twitched. I practically idolized Tauren as a Pro because we had so many similarities. I never expected her to be even more competitive than me though.

With Misaki's begging, both Ivana and I were roped on board. Surprisingly, Asami joined of her own free will; although I had a feeling she just wanted to dress up in a cheer uniform.

In the end, there was no clear winner, and I felt like my Quirk had been abused. I couldn't help but wonder if this was how Akiba felt when we used his Quirk for personal gain. At least Misaki and Asami were pleased with themselves.

"Hey Kita," Misaki said cheerfully as she pranced up beside me, the skirt of her cheer uniform flaring out as she did so. I thought Sanada might faint if his face got any redder, not that Misaki noticed his staring.

"What's up?" I asked, allowing her to loop her arm through mine as we headed back towards our dorm.

"Why is Suzuki so mad at you? She kept giving you nasty looks this afternoon. Come to think of it, Asami and Jinse seemed upset with you too. Why does everyone have something against you?" Misaki said, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"I wish I could tell you, but it doesn't really matter if they like me or not. I'm not here to make friends." I said my voice firm.

"Hey!" Misaki protested, skidding to a stop in front of me and spreading her arms out. "What about me and Mori? And Akiba, and Ivana?"

"That's different," I sighed before lifting her in the air and throwing her over my shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

As I continued walking Misaki protested by flailing wildly in my grasp and lightly pounding her tiny fists against my back.

"That tickles," I said flatly, finally setting her down. "Relax alright? I really enjoy the friends I have, but it doesn't matter to me if I make any more while I'm here. I only came here for one reason. I don't mean anything harsh by that."

Misaki fell silent as she fell into step beside me once again. The silence was soon broken as I heard the rushing sound of Mori's wings quickly approaching.

"Here we go," I sighed, knowing that Mori would only add to Misaki's shenanigans.

I wasn't expecting him to grab me under my arms and lift me into the air. One second I was on the ground, walking towards the dorms, and the next I was dangling under Mori as he flew upwards.

"Why the long face Kita? Are you giving Misaki a hard time?" Mori asked, tilting his head down to look at me. His hands were gripping me under my shoulders as he soared higher into the sky.

"It's the other way around," I said, glaring back at his onyx-colored eyes.

Mori threw me up higher in the air, my body leaving his grasp entirely for a brief moment before he caught me bridal style. If it was anyone else, I would have suspected an ulterior motive, but this was Mori. His only goal was to aggravate me further. We were now hovering a good twelve feet above the ground.

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