Chapter 17: Time to Choose Teams

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That night I should have fallen asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow, but I didn't. My mind raced with all of the eventful memories that took place that day. Thirty-two of us had advanced to the second round, which would begin early tomorrow afternoon. Whatever the second event would be was a mystery to all of us students.

I kept drifting back to one memory in particular. Akiba's face appeared in my mind's eye, resting his chin in the crook of my horn. I had been in close quarters like that before while I was fighting but the incident with Akiba had been different, more...intimate.

I pressed my palms against my cheeks, feeling the warmth there. I sighed and rolled over onto my side while squeezing my eyes shut.

I should be focusing on the second round, not...not this!

For once I was grateful for the ache in my muscles as it eventually forced me into a deep sleep.

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It was early in the afternoon as the thirty-two of us who passed the first round stood in the center of the stadium once again. Horalogia was standing on the tiny metal stage again. The whole stadium waited in anticipation for her to announce the second event.

The second event is usually some sort of group activity. I wonder what it could be this year. Maybe a three-legged race?

Horalogia gathered everyone's attention. "Alright, are you all ready to hear what the second event of this year's Sports Festival will be?"

The stadium roared with excitement, but us first years remained silent. The holographic screen began to spin once again. When it finally came to a stop the screen displayed a tiny fort with a red flag on top. The words in the center of the screen read 'CAPTURE THE FLAG.'

"The second event will be Capture the Flag!" Horalogia announced enthusiastically, causing the crowd to get even louder. "Here are the rules. You will form teams of two to four at your own discretion. Each person will have their own point value based on how quickly they finished the maze."

The screen changed to a list of all participating students, including our pictures and point values.

"The student who finished last will be worth five points. The points will then increase in increments of five with the student who finished first being worth one-hundred-sixty points." Horalogia explained.

My eyes tore across the screen, assessing everyone's point values.

The creepy ghost girl finished first? I can't say I'm surprised with a Quirk like that. She's from 1-B, things aren't looking good for us...

Below the ghost girl- Nusumu was another girl from 1-B. She had pink lion ears on top of her head and looked a little intimidating. After her, people from 1-A started filling in the spots, with Jinse coming in third, followed by Asami. I was in fifth place with one-hundred-forty points.

Horalogia commanded everyone's attention once again as she continued. "You will receive a new point value based on the sum of all of your teammates. You will then choose a flag, starting with the team with the most points.

"After choosing a flag you'll choose a fort. Your flag must remain placed on the pedestal in your fort. You cannot carry it with you. The goal is to steal as many flags as you can from other forts and put them on your pedestal. If they are not placed on the pedestal then they don't count.

"Lastly, no hiding flags under your clothing. Use your Quirks as much as you want to protect your flag and steal flags from other teams. This event will last thirty-minutes. You have fifteen minutes to choose your teams and strategize. Begin!" Horalogia shouted, sending all of us in the middle of the stadium into a frenzy.

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