Chapter 21: Make it Happen

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 Waking up in Lumine's office wasn't anything new for me, but seeing Lumine in his current state sure was. When I opened my eyes the Handsome Healer was sitting on his rolling stool at my bedside looking pale. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his eyes were lacking any spark or energy. I could even see faint purple bags underneath his eyes.

"Ah, Yukimura, you're finally awake," Lumine's velvety voice sounded drained of its usual liveliness.

My brows furrowed as I sat up in bed, taking in Lumine's haggard appearance. "I'm more worried about you actually."

Lumine let out a hoarse chuckle. "Never one for subtleties, are you? I'll be alright. The Sports Festival is always draining for me."'

I bunched the bedsheets up in my hands as I scanned his features once more. It was unsettling to see the school nurse in such bad shape. "Is this what happens when you overuse your Quirk? Is this your drawback?"

Lumine gave me a soft smile, his hair damp with sweat. "It's one of them, yes."

"What other drawbacks does your Quirk have?" I asked curiously.

Lumine folded his hands neatly in his lap. "That's something I don't usually tell people because it can be upsetting."

"How can your drawback upset people?" I asked, confused.

"Well, first of all it's pretty rare for me to overuse my Quirk. I have to really push my limits to get to that point. However, when I do get to that point some of my cells die, and they don't regenerate.

"That takes away a small amount of time from my life. It could be seconds, minutes, hours, and in extreme cases, days." Lumine explained calmly.

My eyes widened at his words. "You're dying by healing us‽"

Lumine raised his palms, an awkward laugh escaping his lips. "Calm down, it's nothing that serious. Like I said, I rarely push my limits to that point. According to the doctors I've seen about this condition, I've used up about three months or so of my life. So, theoretically, if I were to live to be eighty years old I would actually live to be seventy-nine years and nine months give or take."

"But...Lumine," my ears drooped as I gripped the bedsheet firmly with both hands.

I glanced around the infirmary, noting that I was the only patient currently in the room. Even so, how many had Lumine treated today? How many had he treated in the past couple of days? How many were injured in the maze? In the capture the flag battle? How many more would he have to treat today?

"Why do you push yourself if it's literally killing you?" my voice came out hoarser than I intended.

"Why?" Lumine's lips formed a soft smile. He didn't need to think over his answer. It was clear he already knew, had thought about it many times. "Because I want to help people. I want to help future generations become even better heroes. I want to be a hero."

His words confused me. Lumine was a renowned Pro; probably the best healing hero to ever exist.

My brows furrowed as I contemplated his answer. "But Lumine, you're already a Pro. How can you reach for a goal you've already achieved?"

Lumine wiped the sweat from his forehead with a clean cloth. "One doesn't simply 'become' a hero, Yukimura. Being a hero is something you have to strive for every day. You don't stop working for it once you get your license."

My eyes began to water despite my best efforts. I was at a loss for words. Lumine wasn't done with his speech though.

"I was a little disappointed when I got my Quirk. It wasn't the flashy, powerful Quirk I had hoped for. With a Quirk like this, I couldn't be the kind of Pro my classmates were going to become. I couldn't fight villains or rescue people from disasters."

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