Chapter 13: Adjusting

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After the police questioned all of us involved for a few hours, including those that had been asleep for the duration of the attack, we were finally able to return to our dorms around three in the morning. No one had sustained injuries Lumine couldn't heal for the most part, so there was no reason to keep anyone in the infirmary.

As Misaki and I trudged silently to our rooms I noted that Suzuki was nowhere to be seen.

She must have gone to bed when the police finished questioning her. She was the only one not present during the attack.

Misaki and I bid each other good-night as if this was just a normal night at Heights Alliance and we weren't all just attacked by villains. I guess we were attempting to retain some sense of normalcy. I didn't think anything at U.A. could be normal after tonight. The impenetrable hero school had been broken into. The villains just showed us how easily they can outmaneuver us.

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An hour later I laid in bed, staring blankly at the faint trickle of light that crept in from my window. Tonight's events played over and over again in my head, preventing me from falling asleep. I saw two pairs of crimson eyes every time I closed mine. More than anything I wished Emiko was lying beside me. Just her presence alone would have been enough to lull me to sleep, let alone the benefits of her Quirk.

Then again, if she really was here that means she would have been here for the attack too, and that's the last thing I wanted.

I thought of going to Misaki's room and crawling into bed with her but talked myself out of it.

I need to toughen up and learn how to be alone if I'm going to be a hero. There won't always be someone there to comfort me at night, and besides, I'll have to deal with this sort of thing all the time as a Pro.

Finally, I fell asleep from pure exhaustion. Between the fight and the toll of Lumine's Quirk my body couldn't stand to be awake any longer. I didn't wake up until almost one in the afternoon the next day, not that it mattered. Classes were canceled due to last night's incident, as the staff had called it. Still, that fact didn't stop me from feeling ashamed for sleeping in so late.

I sat up in bed with my legs crossed and decided to see what kind of field day the press was having with the story of last night's attack. I watched a few videos on my phone, my newsfeed was full of them, of new reporters discussing the-break in. Each of them questioned how reliable U.A. is as a school if they couldn't even keep a few teenagers out.

What normally would have been my morning had turned into an afternoon run. I could hear shouts from a crowd of people near the entrance from the track I was running on. They were insisting that the U.A. staff allow them, the press I assumed, to interview us students that were involved with the attack.

I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about the whole ordeal with the press and all the news reports and talk shows. Normally I would have been happy to see the shortcomings of hero society being broadcasted for everyone to see, but now... Tauren and Amethyst Knight had been so protective over us. They really care about their students. I had to admit that even Solaris was genuinely concerned for all of us.

They all rushed out there in the middle of the night to protect us. Then again, it would look pretty bad if they let their students get seriously injured on their watch.

As I weighed the different viewpoints and tried to sort through my feelings I decided that their intentions last night were genuine, because they were heroes. Even so, it was a small start. Our hero society was still corrupt, this one incident didn't change that.

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