Chapter 12: The Bull Hero: Tauren

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A pair of twins working together in a villain group, this is crazy. Her Quirk is really powerful too; I can't move at all.

"Did you finish setting all the traps, Risa?" Hibiki asked his twin sister.

She wore a costume similar to his, except her black jumpsuit had dark red lines instead of gray ones like her brother's. Her hair was tied back in two long pigtails, which seemed to fit her petite form.

"I did, but I'm not sure how much time that will buy us. They are Pros after all," she replied, glancing around at Misaki, Ivana, and I. "You lot couldn't even take down one of us when it was three against one. Granted I did step in to help my brother, but I have a feeling he was taking it easy on all of you. He has a weak spot for girls."

The girl-Risa- sauntered over to where Misaki laid on the ground, as unable to move as Ivana and I. Risa placed her boot on top of Misaki's head and then pushed it further into the ground. Misaki choked back a pained noise. I could tell it took everything she had.

"You wannabe heroes are pathetic." Risa spat. "Are you seriously stupid enough to believe that this school is teaching you how to make a difference in this world? If so you're all delusional."

I felt my body shaking despite Risa's Quirk pressing me to the ground. Rage flooded my veins, taking over every thought in my head.

"Get off of her right now!" I shouted, seething angrily as I tried my hardest to push myself to my feet.

Risa simply smirked at me. "You're in no position to give me orders right now." Her disturbingly soft voice didn't match her words at all.

I groaned as she used her Quirk to intensify the pressure above me. I felt the dirt beneath me beginning to break away. Risa turned and kicked Misaki in the ribs, hard.

This time Misaki cried out, whimpering slightly at the pain.

"I said stop it!" I screamed.

Get up dammit. Get up you useless ram! Your best friend is in trouble and you're stuck on the ground, pathetic!

I felt my muscles strain as I pushed harder against the ground beneath me, trying to lift myself even an inch off the ground.

"That's enough Risa," Hibiki said firmly, a tone very different from his previous flirtatious one. "Yuma was clear with her orders. Let's not disappoint her on our first big mission."

For a moment I was caught off guard by Hibiki's words.

Yuma...orders... Is that their boss? Even though they've been casually using each other's first names this whole time, would they really reveal their boss's identity like that?

Now wasn't the time to ponder on that though.

If I can't stand up right now and fight when someone needs me, then I might as well hang up my costume.

I managed to bring one of my knees up closer to my chest and began using that foot to push against the cracking dirt and grass beneath me in a runner's position. The pressure surrounding me made my ears pop. The more I pushed against it the more it hurt. Had it not been for my skull it might have been enough to make me pass out.

The twins caught my movement with their crimson eyes, whipping around to face me. Risa's eyes were wide as she opened her mouth ever so slightly.

Without warning the ground split open in front of me, a gap several feet wide forming between the twins and me. They stumbled back, just as caught off guard as I was. In that moment of surprise Risa must have lost her concentration because the pressure around me decreased drastically. I could stand.

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