Chapter 11: The Twins

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It felt like less than a second had passed by the time I reached the others. I was relieved to see that they were all still standing, but my jaw went slack at the fight itself. Misaki, Ivana, and Himura were all struggling against one guy.

Several of Ivana's spider-legs seemed to be stuck together by some sort of thick, foamy substance. All three of them seemed to have sustained a few minor injuries. As I quickly closed the distance between us I studied the second intruder.

Just like the other girl, he seemed to be around our age. His most noticeable feature was his bright red hair, gleaming with silver streaks from the moonlight. It was slightly disheveled from the ongoing battle. He wore a black and gray bodysuit that looked like it was designed for stealth purposes.

By the looks of things, they've been planning this attack for a while. They're more than prepared. How many more intruders are there?

I could see his muscles contract underneath the form-fitting fabric as he raised what appeared to be a red and black compound bow. Faster than my eyes could process he notched an arrow and sent it flying towards Himura.

Himura swiftly arced one of his scythes upwards and cut the arrow in half before it hit him. To my surprise, the rounded top half of the arrow began spewing purple gas before falling to the ground with a light thud. Himura hadn't seen that coming any more than I did. His eyes fluttered shut as he dropped to the ground.

My eyes widened in terror.

Is that the same gas that comes from the catgirl's Quirk? What kinds of arrows does this guy have? And what exactly is his Quirk?

There was no more time to analyze the situation. I was finally close enough to attack, and with the element of surprise on my side no less since the intruder was facing away from me.

I rushed forward and landed a diagonal kick directly between the red-haired boy's shoulder blades. He was sent flying forward but managed to regain his footing as he tumbled across the ground, bow still in hand.

There was a whizzing sound as something flew through the air in my direction.

When did he even have time-

Suddenly I was pushed out of the way by some strong, hard object. I looked down in front of me to see one of Ivana's free spider-legs standing where I had been moments before. A black arrow detonated as it made impact with her leg. There was a bright flash of light followed by smoke and an explosion.

I heard Ivana cry out in pain, her injured leg crumpling to the ground.

"Ivana!" I shouted, clenching my fist to stop it from shaking.

If I had been faster she wouldn't have had to protect me!

"I wish we could meet under different circumstances," said the red-headed boy. "You're really cute. I like girls with short hair." he flashed a brilliant smile at me. Under normal circumstances, it would have been charming, but considering he was attacking my friends and me it set my hairs on end.

"I'm Hibiki by the way. What's your name?" he was drawing his bow for another attack.

Not this time.

I bolted forward, thrusting my right leg forward for a push kick. Hibiki jumped up and flipped forward effortlessly as he sailed over my head and landed directly behind me. The movement was so familiar to me for some reason. I seamlessly transitioned into a round kick, aiming to plant my shin in his midsection.

Hibiki quickly side-stepped my attack and then hit me in the sternum with a push kick. I coughed roughly as I was sent skidding backwards a few feet.

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