Chapter 3: Save Those Citizens!

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I arrived at the scene first, Handa trailing a good bit behind me. After quickly assessing the situation I determined that a guy with a Bat Quirk was protecting a citizen from one of the villains. The villain appeared to have a Quirk that allowed him to shoot crescent-shaped blades of energy from his hands.

The guy with the Bat Quirk had a few cuts but otherwise looked alright. He had spiky, dark brown hair and large bat ears protruding from the sides of his head. A long spade-tipped tail flowed behind him and had spiky fur matching his hair. His most notable feature was a pair of powerful, membranous wings sprouting from his back. At the tip of each wing were three finger-like claws.

As the villain fired another round of crescents, the guy with the bat Quirk sent a strong gust forward using his wings. It was enough to stop most of the crescent blades, one still managed to slice his thigh. The boy winced but did not move from his spot.

Without wasting another second, I charged forward. The villain saw me coming and threw a blade of energy my way. I ducked to avoid the energy blade and kept moving forward. When I was close enough to attack, I swung my right leg up and brought it as an axe kick upon his head.

The man hit the ground, hard. When he didn't get up after a few seconds, I figured the force of the kick and hitting his face on the ground must've knocked him out.

"Are you alright?" I asked the boy, turning to face him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a few cuts. That was one hell of a kick. Thanks for helping me out." he answered. I could see his sharp fangs glinting in the sunlight as he spoke.

"No problem. I'm Kita Yukimura by the way," I replied.

"I'm Hiroto Mori. It's nice to meet you," he said, finally landing back on the ground. His tail slithered across the ground a few feet behind him.

Finally, Handa arrived, panting slightly. "Awe man," she paused to catch her breath. "I missed all the action."

'We've found a safe space to hide the civilians. We should take him there." I said, gesturing towards the robot.

"Good idea," Mori said with a nod.

Much to Handa's dismay, we began dashing back the way we came. On the way to the safe space, Mori told us about his Quirk. Just like me, his Quirk was an animal mutation Quirk. Also, like me, his abilities were pretty self explanatory. He could fly, use echolocation, and use his tail for various things. His hearing and eyesight were great as well. He could even see perfectly in pitch-black darkness. He just doesn't do well in intense sunlight, and sometimes his wings get in the way of things.

As Handa and I explained our Quirks and abilities, we passed several citizen robots that had been crushed and broken. Some had bits of wire sticking out from various parts of their bodies. Even though they were just hunks of metal, they still represented innocent bystanders, and no one protected them. It was clear to me the only thing that some of these applicants cared about.

At last, we made it back to the safe space. We instructed the new robot to hide with the one Handa and I had first brought here.

Our little group set out to rescue more citizens. Mori's Quirk was great for search and rescue purposes. He was able to discover a group of trapped civilians in a building towards the center of the city using his echolocation.

We stealthily approached the back entrance of the building.

"Can you hear anything Mori?" Handa whispered.

Mori seemed to concentrate on his hearing for a moment before nodding. "They're on the first floor. There's a villain in there holding them hostage. I can't tell exactly how many people there are or what the villain's Quirk is though."

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