Chapter 7: Heroics Class

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When I rejoined the rest of my classmates in our homeroom I immediately felt everyone's eyes on me. I wanted to sink into the floor. The confidence I had regained from my talk with Lumine was quickly fading.

Misaki flashed me a reassuring smile that did little to calm my nerves. This wasn't like getting beaten in a match at Achara's gym, surrounded by my friends, mentor, and training companions. They would have just given me some advice and moved on, but here my peers are judging me, determining how much of a threat I am; if I stack up to the competition.

I averted my eyes, quickly taking my seat. Tauren began discussing our final results for the Quirk Apprehension Test.

"You should have all realized that the purpose of the last test was to gauge the abilities of your Quirks outside of just physical prowess. This also gave you a taste of what the one-on-one matches in the Sports Festival will be like. This year we're going to wipe that smug look right off Behemoth's face," Tauren said with an almost manic grin. "Anyways, that won't be until a little later on in the school year. For now, let's take a look at your new rankings." She clicked a button on her hand-held remote and a holographic list appeared on the wall behind her.

The list read as such:











My heart sank as I came to terms with the fact that I had dropped from first to fifth place. Misaki on the other hand had risen in rank, and Mori had fallen from third to sixth place. Oddly enough Sanada and Suzuki were the only ones who stayed in the same spots.

Suddenly the bell rang, signaling it was time to change classes. I was actually relieved to attend a regular class at this point.

My regular classes flew by without anything really eventful happening. Turns out Amethyst Knight is our Earth Science teacher. Guess I should have known he'd enjoy studying geology.

Eventually, lunchtime rolled around and Misaki, Mori, and I headed to the cafeteria. I had heard rumors about how wonderful the food U.A. serves is.

As we sat down to eat Misaki spotted Akiba walking by himself with a tray of food. Misaki being Misaki called his name and waved him over.

This is probably her way of trying to make sure there are no hard feelings after their fight.

Akiba looked surprised but walked over to our table nonetheless.

"You should sit and eat with us," Misaki said with an inviting smile.

"Um-well," Akiba started to say.

"She won't take no for an answer man," Mori said from his seat beside Misaki.

Looking resigned, Akiba took a seat next to me. I ever so slightly angled my arm away from him. I didn't want him peering into my mind again.

As Misaki struck up a conversation with Akiba my mind wandered off to thoughts of Emiko.

I hope she's doing alright. She's probably really lonely without me there.

A pair of tan arms holding a food tray appeared in my line of sight. I looked up to see none other than Ivana Hernandez standing in front of me.

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