Chapter 27: An Unexpected Visitor

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"Akiba‽" my eyes widened as I gripped my towel tighter around me. "What the hell are you doing here‽"

"I-I wanted to come apologize, but I didn't know you were in the shower. If I did I would have come later!" Akiba averted his gaze, instead looking to his left at the balcony next to mine. It belonged to Asami.

My ears twitched at the sound of footsteps from said girl's room. She was walking towards the sliding door of her balcony. She had probably heard Akiba's voice, or a least a male voice as far as she could make out. It didn't take my enhanced hearing to pick up on a masculine voice outside of a girl's dorm. Truthfully, I couldn't blame Asami for being nosy. This kind of stuff was juicy gossip for any high schooler, like something out of a teen romance novel.

I slid the door open with a huff. "Get in. Asami's coming." I grabbed Akiba by his wrist and tugged him forward, quickly sliding the door shut when he was inside my dorm. I instantly released my grip on his wrist and took a couple of steps back, realizing our proximity and my lack of clothing. Akiba's cheeks were bright red. He cupped one hand over the lower half of his face and focused on studying the makeup sprawled across my vanity.

"Just wait here," I sighed as I rummaged through a couple of my drawers for pajamas.

Normally I just slept in a fleece lounge set consisting of a crop top and shorts but given the circumstances that hardly seemed appropriate. Instead, I opted for a pair of fleece shorts and a baggy Tauren shirt that Aratani had gifted me a few years back. Even before her death and my decision to attend UA I had always thought Tauren was the coolest Hero. I could feel heat radiating from my face, chest, and neck. I hurried back to the bathroom to get dressed.

Why did he show up here like this anyway? It's hard to be mad when I'm so nervous. Akiba's in my room-my bedroom. This is way against the rules. I should kick him out, but...

But I didn't want to. As angry as I was with him, a small part of me was still happy to see him. I splashed cold water on my face, soothing my warm skin. I took one last look in the mirror. I hadn't even had a chance to apply any product to my hair. A few droplets of water fell from a damp ringlet and slid down my collarbone. How irritating, that just his presence alone was enough to diffuse the anger that had been simmering within me for three days. Well, maybe not completely, but still the fact that my resolve had been shaken so easily... I tugged the t-shirt over my head and then hopped into my shorts. I swung the door open to find Akiba standing awkwardly in the same spot I had left him.

"Yukimura," he breathed, finally turning to face me. "I-"

"I have a front door you know," I said flatly, interrupting him.

"I thought it might look suspicious if our classmates saw me knocking on your door at night," he looked tense. I had never seen him like this before. I had seen him cold, unreadable, and emotionless. I had seen him distraught and in pain because of his Quirk, but never had I seen him nervous and uncertain like this.

"That's a good point," I exhaled a breath I had been holding subconsciously. "You said you wanted to talk, so sit." I walked over to my bed and sat on the edge, patting the spot beside me.

What I would have given to be able to read Akiba's mind right now. He lowered himself onto the bed beside me, less than a foot of space separated us. His face was no longer crimson. Now only a light pink blush dusted his cheeks. Our eyes met and I waited for him to speak whilst toying with the hem of my shorts.

"Yukimura, I'm sorry for forcing you to see Lumine. At the time I thought what I was doing was right because...because I care about you and I don't want to see you hurt. What you said to me that day hurt, to be honest, but it was true. I was using my Quirk to make you do what I thought was right, and that was wrong. I wanted to apologize sooner but you seemed so angry. I thought it would be best to give you some space." Akiba's eyes were soft, timid even. He held his breath, waiting for my response.

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