Chapter 28: Tempest's Agency

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The air inside the bus was stagnant, as was to be expected. Even so, this was the nicest school bus I'd ever been on. Apparently U.A. spared no expense even when it came to something as simple as a school bus. There were dark green curtains to cover the windows with if we wanted. Each row of seats was made up of two individual chairs that resembled the pattern of our gym uniforms.

Akiba was sitting in one of the back rows already, his navy-blue headphones sitting snuggly over his ears. He looked up at me, giving me a smile that made my stomach do a flip, and waved. He then patted the seat beside him, an invitation.

"Oh, Kita, let's sit here!" Before I even had a chance to wave back to Akiba I was yanked down into one of the surprisingly comfortable seats. Misaki grinned happy and oblivious, her small hands still wound around my forearm. "This is going to be so much fun! I can't believe we get to tour a real Hero agency!"

"What would a fake Hero agency look like?" Mori asked with a hint of sarcasm as he leaned over our seats from where he sat in the row behind us. He glanced over at me, a worried expression on his face.

"Are you okay Kita? You look a little sad," Misaki asked, her dark brows furrowing in concern.

"Huh, no! I'm fine! I was just lost in thought. It's been a while since I've been back to Osaka. There's so much I want to do." And none of that involves visiting her agency.

"Me too! I can't wait to go shopping with you! Oh, and we have to stop and get boba!" Misaki went on listing off all the things she wanted to see and do on our field trip.

Mori gave me a look that said: Why do you keep lying to her?

Misaki was so excited about this trip. She earned it more than any of us. She fought so hard to win the Sports Festival, and it was thanks to her that Behemoth was no longer employed at UA. I wanted to tell her the truth about everything, but I didn't want to bring her down right now. It just wasn't the time or place. While it was true I was frustrated at losing the Sports Festival there was no way I was going to rain on Misaki's parade. There were clearly some areas I needed to improve in. I learned a lot about my skills and limitations during the Sports Festival. I was sure I had grown since coming to UA, and I still had a long ways to go. Whenever I was feeling down about my defeat I would just remember what Lumine said. Very little can be learned from winning, but you can learn a lot from losing. And besides, Suzuki seemed to have lightened up at least a little since our fight, though we haven't spoken. If I was able to get through to her even just a little bit then I'd consider that a win in my book. I would start making changes to this faulty Hero society little by little, starting with my classmates.

I averted my gaze from Mori's nagging, dark gray eyes. Instead, I glanced back at Akiba. He was scrolling on his phone looking relatively relaxed. I couldn't help but wonder what he was looking at and what music he was listening to. My eyes trailed down to the sleeves of his shirt, tight against his biceps.

"So, did you two kiss and make up?" Ivana's voice was unmistakable due to her accent; that and it came from directly in front of me.

It felt like a vein was going to pop in my forehead. I turned to face the slender, silver-haired girl who was leaning over the back of her seat smirking at me. Her crimson eyes gave me a knowing look.

"Is that all for today or are you just getting warmed up?" I asked in a bored tone, slumping back in my seat so I could face her.

Ivana simply shrugged and propped her chin on her arms, which lay flat against the back of her seat. "They stuck you back there, huh Mori?"

"Yep, I'm always third wheel when it comes to these two." Misaki and I protested his statement which he ignored as he stretched out his wings across both the seats in his row. "It's not all bad though. I've got room for my wings and tail."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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