Chapter 6: First Day Fights

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Author's Note:

I highly recommend listening the music above while reading this chapter. if you're on your phone you can open it on Youtube and listen to it while you scroll I think. It makes reading it feel like the actual BNHA anime in my opinion.


"No low blows or dirty tricks kids! I want a clean fight, and that goes for all of you!" Tauren boomed from the sidelines. The rest of our class was seated in the bleachers behind her. "Any injured students will be immediately transported to Lumine's office."

"If I were Himura, I'd be worried," Misaki said from her seat on my right. She was positioned between Mori and me.

"No kidding, Jinse is the real deal. Plus that blonde kid came in dead last in the fitness tests." Mori added.

I was too busy studying Jinse and Himura to talk. Now that he was in his gym uniform I could see more dusty gold scales covering about half of each forearm, starting at his wrists.

Himura was a blonde-haired boy with deep red eyes. He had a boyish charm about him, completely different from Jinse's untamed attractiveness, not that it mattered right now.

U.A. or no, I'm still a teenage girl. I'm allowed to appreciate cute guys when I see them.

As Himura stretched his arms over his head I noticed a small, curved, red blade protruding from each of his forearms, just below his wrists. They couldn't have been more than three inches long.

Is that just a mutation, or is that his actual Quirk? He looks pretty confident for someone going up against the person ranked second currently in our class.

"You've got five minutes, now fight!" Tauren shouted.

Suddenly the blades on Himura's arms began to lengthen until they were the length of his entire forearm. They curved back towards his elbows, giving them a scythe-like appearance.

"I didn't think you'd make the first move anyways," Himura said as he charged Jinse. "Guys like you are always cocky!"

Himura swung his right arm upwards and then brought his scythe down in a broad arc towards Jinse. I cringed at the thought of seeing Jinse's skin getting sliced open. Himura's Quirk was far more dangerous than I had imagined.

Jinse raised his left arm swiftly to block Himura's attack. There was a scraping sound, like metal scratching against metal. Jinse had used the scales on his forearm to protect himself.

His scales are strong! They're like armor.

I watched with wide eyes as the fight continued.

"Not without a reason," Jinse said as he flung his left arm forward, sending Himura skidding backwards.

He's strong too, but I already knew that much.

Jinse inhaled a deep breath and then blew it back out, but instead of air being released a stream of fire shot out.

Himura swung the scythe on his left arm in front of his face. His scythe managed to actually cut through Jinse's fire, splitting it down the middle.

"Dude, you singed my hair!" Himura fumed as he held what I was guessing was a burnt strand between his fingers.

"You talk too much," Jinse said with a scowl.

He then rushed forward, grabbing Himura by the back of his shirt, and threw him on the ground. Himura managed to slice Jinse's leg on the way down, well part of it. As Himura's scythe ripped apart Jinse's lower, right pants' leg a set of golden scales were revealed to snake up approximately a third of his shin/calve. Blood trickled down from his upper shin, but Jinse seemed unphased.

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