Chapter 1: Kita's Origin

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     I gritted my teeth as my instructor drove her elbow into my ribcage. I swiftly dodged the hook kick she followed up with and delivered a roundhouse kick to her left leg. I realized her next move a second too late. A powerful tentacle shot out from her back and wrapped around one of my ankles. With one decisive snatching movement from her tentacle, my feet were pulled out from under me.

     I landed face up on the mats. The groan I released was more from shame than pain. My head hadn't been clear at all this training session. I'd been stressing too much over this weekend's exam.

     Achara, my instructor, offered me her hand. I took it gratefully and allowed her to pull me to my feet. Achara was a wild-looking sort of woman with russet hair and golden brown skin. Her tentacle had already receded into her back once more. Achara's Quirk was called Tentacles and allowed her to produce up to four octopus-like tentacles from her back at will. She always said it was the perfect Quirk for a Muay Thai instructor since Muay Thai was referred to as the "art of eight limbs.'

     "Are you alright Kita? You haven't been yourself today. Are you worried about your exam this weekend?" Achara asked.

     The sounds of other people sparring filled the gym, creating a pleasant background noise I had become accustomed to in the past couple of years.

     "Yeah, I guess I am kind of freaking out about it. Sorry Achara," I sighed and rubbed some of the tension from the back of my head.

     Achara motioned for me to sit on one of the benches with her. I obliged.

     "I know how important it is for you to pass this exam Kita. It's a big deal, so it's natural for you to be nervous. Don't feel bad." she said.

     "I just don't know what to expect. Plus there's going to be people with a lot more powerful Quirks than mine. Why would they want someone with just an animal Quirk when they could have someone who... I don't know, breathes fire or something?" I felt my ears droop as I spoke.

     "Kita Yukimura, I won't have you underestimating yourself," Achara said sharply enough that I raised my head slightly. "Your Quirk is what you make it, but I can tell you from first-hand experience how strong it is. Your diagonal kick is no joke, well none of your kicks really." she chuckled slightly.

     I gave her a faint smile.

     "You've come a long way since you first started training here. When you told me you wanted to be a Pro I was ecstatic. Not only because one of my students is applying to U.A., but also because I know you'll make a great hero. You just have to remember why you want to be a hero, and draw strength from it." She placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me an encouraging smile.

     "Thanks, Achara, I really needed that," I said, giving her a more genuine smile.

     "Good, now get your ass back in the ring so I can make sure you're in top form for your exam," Achara ordered.

     I simply nodded and made my way back to the ring.

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     As I was walking home after practice Achara's words remained planted in my head.

     "Remember why you want to become a hero and draw strength from it."

     That was easy enough. I'd never forget what drives me to become a hero. And suddenly the street lamps and buildings lining the street faded away. I was no longer walking home from training. I was ten, almost eleven, attending a festival with my family.

Kita's Legacy (My Hero Academia Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora