Chapter 5: First Day of School

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Once several of my many alarms had gone off, I managed to make myself get out of bed. It was so early the sun hadn't fully risen yet. After a relaxing shower, I felt more awake. I grabbed my special detangling brush from my vanity, which was a lifesaver with my extremely curly hair, and set to work. As if my curls didn't make it difficult enough to style my hair, my horns and ears often got in the way of things as well.

After applying a moderate amount of make-up I put on my U.A. uniform. If I was being honest, I didn't care much for the color scheme of the uniforms. The dark green stripes over the gray jacket didn't match well in my opinion, and the red tie certainly didn't fit with the color scheme. The dark blue-green skirt wasn't too bad though.

I tugged on a pair of black, thigh-high stockings and slipped on a pair of standard, brown flats. I couldn't help but cringe at all the different colors I was wearing at once. I quickly made my bed and then double-checked to make sure I had everything I needed for class. Then I made my way to the common area to have breakfast with Mori and Misaki.

Many of our classmates were also fixing themselves breakfast. Some I recognized, and some I didn't. It was a little awkward interacting with strangers this early in the morning. Luckily the kitchen was huge, so we weren't all crammed together while making breakfast. There were even multiple sets of stoves and counters. Since Mori wasn't much of a cook, Misaki and I decided to handle the food preparations.

When I started training Muay Thai I taught myself how to cook meals that would give me the best nutrients and energy so that I could function at my highest capacity. Together Misaki and I were able to whip up some tasty, protein packed-rice balls. While my favorite were ones filled with chicken, Misaki preferred ones with tuna.

By the time eight a.m. hit we were on our way to class. I had never lived close enough to walk to school, so this was an exciting new experience. As we approached the front of the main building my nervousness spiked. My ears flattened back against my horns slightly.

I looked at Misaki and Mori and I noticed I wasn't the only one feeling the pressure. Mori's tail was flicking back and forth anxiously, and his wings were tucked in tightly behind him. Misaki was fidgeting with her tie nervously.

This is just like walking into the gym for the first time. I was so nervous because I had never tried anything like Muay Thai before. Everyone looked so fit and strong. They were way more skilled than me. Then Achara walked over and introduced herself. That place became my second home. I've found good people here too already. Walking through those doors is the next step to me becoming a Pro.

I put a bright smile on my face for Misaki and Mori. "Well come on, let's head in. If we want to be Pros we have to practice punctuality."

Misaki returned my forced smile, doing her best to look confident. "You're right Kita. Plus I want to make sure we all get seats beside each other."

Mori said nothing. He simply relaxed his shoulders and wings the slightest bit as we entered the halls of U.A.

It wasn't too difficult to find our classroom. As I reached for the handle I couldn't help feel my heart beat faster. Tauren would likely be waiting on the other side of this door.

What kind of teaching style does she have?

I pulled the door open and shuffled inside along with my friends. The first thing I noticed were ten large wooden desks on the left side of the room. They looked more like office desks than desks you would find in a classroom. Directly across from where I stood was a wall made entirely of windows. Finally, my gaze landed on the hero standing at the large podium at the front of the room.

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